

Splendor's Gingerbread Castle Heralds Holiday Greetings 傳遞祝福的薑餅城堡

Splendor's Gingerbread Castle Heralds Holiday Greetings

◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi ◎Photos by Lin Yu-en

薑餅屋製程Creating gingerbread castle As the year end approaches, Kaohsiung's Splendor Hotel again proudly presents its annual gingerbread house. This year is the tenth anniversary, so the staff decided to make it particularly spectacular by creating a gigantic gingerbread castle. This was truly a grand endeavor, with a recipe that included 50 kilos of honey, 20 kilos of cane sugar, 6 kilos of butter, 13 kilos of egg, 100 kilos of flour, 600 grams of mixed Italian spice, 1.5 kilos of granulated ginger, and 600 grams of baking soda. Its sweet fragrance envelopes the senses and creates a festive atmosphere.

 In October, Mr. Min Jiatian became Splendor's new executive pastry chief and oversaw the castle's creation. It took 15 chefs a whole month to complete the preproduction and baking processes. It took another week to assemble the pieces, with the result of a 350 centimeter long, 140 centimeter wide and 225 centimeter high gingerbread castle. The castle was on display on the 39th floor from the end of November until to January 1st.

薑餅屋製程Creating gingerbread castle People have reacted with great surprise at this great artistic wonder. Splendor's American General Manager feels the gingerbread house is a symbol of Christmas and believes the hotel has created a top notch holiday atmosphere. The gingerbread house has become much more than just a Christmas decoration, but embodies the hotel's Christmas spirit. The guests' response has been extremely enthusiastic, so come and check out Splendor's traditional gingerbread castle.


◎文/王大衛 ◎攝影/林育恩

 每年的歲末之際,高雄金典酒店都會打造一座薑餅屋,今年是金典第10年打造薑餅屋!今年薑餅屋造形為城堡,一共約使用了50公斤蜂蜜、20公斤紅糖、6公斤奶油、13公斤雞蛋、100公斤的麵粉、600克義薑餅屋製程Creating gingerbread castle大利綜合香料、1.5公斤薑粉和600 克小蘇打,湊近一聞,薑餅城堡混合著餅乾、薑散發出一股甜甜的香氣,也許是蜂蜜,也可能是紅糖,空氣中帶著濃濃的幸福感。

 2010年10月甫上任的金典飯店點心部主廚閩嘉田表示,點心部動員15位師傅打造薑餅城堡,光是備料和烘焙約需一個月的時間,再把裁切好一片片薑餅組裝上去耗時約一個星期,長350公分、寬140公分、高225公分的薑餅城堡矗立於飯店的39樓,從11 月底展示至1月1日。這個份量十足的薑餅城堡吸引過往的旅客放慢了腳步,佇足欣賞,等到確定是座薑餅屋,顧客們驚喜地來張大合照,這樣歡樂的氛圍,好似假期已經提前到來。員工劉佳佳表示因為金典的第一任外籍總經理很重視聖誕節不可或缺的薑餅,遂要求打造一座薑餅屋,薑餅屋除了散發濃濃的節慶氣氛,並對顧客傳遞祝福之意,顧客的反應出乎意外的熱烈,使得薑餅屋延續成為飯店的傳統。