

Greater Kaohsiung's Merger Initiatives 縣市合併建立高雄品牌

Greater Kaohsiung's Merger Initiatives

◎English written by Fang-Ju Lin ◎Photos by Kang Cun-cai and Pao Chung-hui

 Kaohsiung was once a city that was badly polluted by heavy industry. However, it is currently transforming itself into one of Taiwan's leading cities that offers a greater quality of life. The merger commences on December 25, 2010 and will carry out several initiatives that will greatly improve the region's economic viability.

 One of the initiatives will include a closer partnership of Greater Kaohsiung and its port. With the rise of China's southeastern harbors and the construction of larger vessels, Port of Kaohsiung lost its place as one of the world's leading ports. Further exasperating this problem was the fact its waters were not deep enough to accommodate vessels that were getting ever increasingly larger. However with the relocation of Hongmaogan village and plans to extend operations, this problem will now be resolved. Kaohsiung will also plans to construct an international container terminal.

 Kaohsiung City and County have been cooperating for a long period of time. However, with the rise of a consolidated metropolis of 2946 square kilometers and a population of 2.77 million, focus will be on the area's strengths and competitive resources. Greater Kaohsiung will further develop its agriculture, fisheries and services. This will be supported by the regions well developed air and sea ports, transforming Kaohsiung into Taiwan's leading gateway.

 The port is also expected to play a central role in the region's other development initiatives. Part of this initiative is to strengthen the region's cultural development and commerce. It will focus on a special trade zone adjacent to Pier One. This zone will include the Pier-2 Arts Center, the Maritime Culture and Popular Music Center, the cruise boat dock, the world famous industrial park for yacht construction, the International Travel and Commerce Center and the Exhibition and Convention Center. It will also include the development of the South Star Area, an enormous manufacturing hub, which will be extended to include Daliao, Niaosong, Renwu and the yacht manufacturing zone. It will further develop its innovation and technology corridor. Located in Lujhu, Kaohsiung's Science Park will eventually integrate Gangshan and Nanzih. Solar power technology and other high tech industries will be central to the developmental of this area.

 These competitive initiatives are designed to draw Greater Kaohsiung and its port closer. The port is presently administered by the Executive Yuan's Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Greater Kaohsiung has drafted a proposal to have the dual air and sea ports managed by private corporations that will be overseen by a board of directors that include Greater Kaohsiung and the Executive Yuan.

 After the merger there will be a greater focus on the city-port integration. It will aim to improve urban functionality and establish a brand of its own. These initiatives will provide support and give rise to an internationally recognized region that will maintain its competitiveness in an ever increasingly, globalized world.


◎文/惡之花 ◎攝影/康村財.鮑忠暉




