



The Healthy City- Kaohsiung / 健康城市高雄

健康城市高雄       Health and exercise will become the most prominent feature of Kaohsiung next year. After becoming known as a friendly city, Kaohsiung also strides toward being recognized as a healthy city- an ambition which is the city government's main goal in the year 2005. In coordination with the preparatory work being carried out for hosting the 2009 World Games, plans to cultivate healthy minds, and achieve proper sanitation, and medical treatment throughout Kaohsiung, will also be carried out. It is hoped that all citizens will become conscious of their health and exercise regularly.

A walking race by the Love River
  An exponent of the walking race, Ms. Chi Cheng, is representing the walking race to be held in Kaohsiung. This event is to be organized by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan. Ms. Chi praised Kaohsiung for successfully winning the right to host the 2009 World Games. Since the Love River is so spectacular, it's an enjoyment to walk along its banks, thus making it an ideal venue for a walking race.
  Vigorous walking is the most economical as well as convenient body building exercise. In order to match the goal of becoming a healthy city, after the vigorous activity of this year, the city government will also hold the walk activities around Lotus Lake next year, where attractive and interesting scenery is very suitable for vigorous walks. Its aim is to create the trend of vigorous walking and bodybuilding around the whole of Kaohsiung.
Establish the 2009 World Games Preparatory Committee
  It is a symbolization of the city's development into a "healthy city". When Mayor Hsieh and MR. Ron Froehlich, the president of the International World Games Association, beat drums side by side and uncovered the board and establish the 2009 World Games Preparatory Committee. Kaohsiung citizens have a great ambition to welcome the coming of the 2009 World Games.
  Some comopetition items featured in the World Games are not included in the Olympic Games such as skating, a tug of war, Aikido, etc. There are 34 competition items in Kaohsiung's 2009 World Games. After successfully winning the right of hosting the 2009 World Games, much preparatory work has been needed to be done. Firstly, it was necessary to select a Sports Director and Dr. Huang Chi-huang was assigned to this post on July 14. The jogging event and the parade held on July 15 showed the citizens' enthusiasm and anticipation. The count down clock was also started. A website for the World Games in Kaohsiung (http://www.worldgames2009.org.tw) was set up on July 16, in order that it should be a "window" of the 2009 World Games. The 2009 World Games Preparatory Committee in Kaohsiung was formally established on October 15. Kaohsiung was ready in every preparation with in the time frame.
The Vision of Kaohsiung
  Formally, Taiwan has never had the experience of holding an international competition above the level of the Asian Games. Hosting the 2009 World Games not only makes Kaohsiung the first city in Taiwan to hold an international games' event, but also creates a new precedent for the history of Taiwan. This initial model of a Preparatory Committee will also set up a paradigm and lay a foundation for Taiwan to host international games in the future. Because of this hosting experience, Kaohsiung will become the most qualified city to compete for the hosting right of the next Olympic Games.
  Kaohsiung has the determination to spare no effort to host the 2009 World Games because the 2009 World Games will become the pivot for Taiwan to open the window to the world and allow Taiwan to stride forward onto the international stage. In order to hold the World Games successfully, Kaohsiung has sought become the first city with wireless network in Taiwan. Furthermore, Jhongshan Road and Boai Road are mapped out to be the "road of the fire." They will then become the Known as the "Formosa Road," which can be compared favorably with many international scenic avenues.
General exercise- general health
  There are various places to exercise all around Kaohsiung such as pedestrian paths, student paths and even bicycle paths as well as spaces for general exercise. Kaohsiung is developing into a healthy city in accordance with the 2009 World Games. Mayor Hsieh clearly indicates that in order to be known as a healthy city. It is necessary to promote the idea of a healthy education and culture which will ultimately lead to a healthy society. A healthy mind is also to be considered. It is the ultimate goal of the city to promote the idea of athleticism, which will generate a healthy approach to life. So, in order that a healthy city may pursue a multidimensional health plan, a need to promote such an image is vital. Kaohsiung will not only activate its citizens' physical vigor but also strengthen multidimensional healthy goals such as creating a healthy mind as well as focusing a sanitation and medical treatment.
  Training the athletes is an important goal of the 2009 World Games. Sports activities represent as tag which to display a nation's power; therefore, it is very important to win prizes in all international games. Excellent athletes should be rewarded, but the ultimate goal is not only to invite our compatriots to sit in front of the TV and watch the national champions' outstanding performances. It also aims to arouse their interests in exercise. It is hoped that by participating in sports activities, every citizen will become strong, healthy and be fond of sports.
  Kaohsiung is now actively preparing for the 2009 World Games as well as striding forward to become a healthy city, thus displaying the city's new vitality. Kaohsiung is not only a beautiful and friendly city, but also a healthy one from now on.

  象徵「健康城市」的開展,在謝市長與國際世界運動總會會長Mr. Ron Froehlich佛朗契並肩雙錘擊出隆咚隆咚鼓聲及揭牌下,肩負二○○九世界運動會運籌帷幄重任的「高雄市二○○九世運會籌備處」,正式掛牌運作,高雄人正以一股如大軍出征般的壯志雄心,迎接二○○九世運會的到來。