Liugui's Black Diamonds
◎English translation: Peng Hsin-y
◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui
Bell fruit (also known as the wax apple) is a tropical fruit popular throughout Southeast Asia. In Taiwan, bell fruit are grown all over the island, and bell fruit orchards can be found from Pingtung County in the far south to Yilan County in the northeast. In Kaohsiung, the best bell fruit are grown in Liouguei District. The now famous "Black Diamond" brand originated from Liouguei, and the fruit is highly anticipated yearly between November and mid May when they are in season.
Southern Taiwan enjoys sunshine almost year-round, and the temperature usually does not fluctuate much. But since Liougeui is situated higher in the mountains, the seasons are more pronounced and the nights are colder, making it ideal for bell fruit trees to bloom, and later on, to grow high quality fruit. When the first batch of Liougeui's bell fruit reaches wholesale market in November, it usually becomes the hottest item immediately.
Another element that contributes to the outstanding quality of bell fruit in Liougeui is the Laonong River that flows leisurely through the district. The river brings deposits rich in lime to the soil, keeping the pH range between 5.5 and 6.5. This helps the trees absorb nutrients better, and grow sweeter and crunchier fruits.
The current president of the Bell Fruit Association is Mr. Lin Yi-sheng, who was born and raised in Liouguei. Lin is always learning and applying new information to his orchard. He communicated frequently with experts as well as members in the Bell Fruit Association. Now in Mr. Lin's farm, the fruits are protected by bags and allowed to ripen on the tree for 45 days before picking. He has also obtained Food Traceability Certification and Ecocert. His bell fruits are sold in international markets as far away as Canada.
Mr. Lin shared his secrets in growing the best bell fruit with us, saying that with the right combination of care and fertilization, the trees will grow healthy fruits that are glossy-looking, vibrant in color, crunchy and fragrant. They can reach 12 to 13 degrees on the sweetness scale. If the trees are not properly cared for, their fruit- will appear faded, and are more likely to have blemishes, crack easily, and have spongy texture. When Liouguei's bell fruit- first begin to ripen, they weigh 300 to 400 grams (0.66 to 0.88 lb) each. But in March and April when they peak, each fruit may weigh 400 to 525 grams (up to 1.16 lb), and hit 12 degrees on the sweetness scale. They are juicy and crunchy, offering a completely satisfying experience to every person who tries one.
六龜 黑鑽石蓮霧
現任台灣蓮霧發展協會理事長林益生是六龜子弟,他表示,他的蓮霧套袋45 天後採收,製作生產履歷、取得歐盟認證,外銷至加拿大。他向農業改良場專家請益且與蓮霧發展協會成員密切交流 ,林益生說透過改良農業資材,讓蓮霧更健康的生長。
Renwu District's Beefsteak Tomatoes Hit the Market
◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photos by Huang Ching-wen
Renwu District is the biggest beefsteak-tomato producing region in Kaohsiung City. In the winter rows and rows of plump, bright red tomatoes are the pride and joy of Renwu's farmers. Renwu's "Hongfantian" brand tomatoes are the most sought-after type of tomatoes in Taipei First Fruit and Vegetable Market.
Mr. Wu Rong-wen has ten years' experience of beefsteak-tomato cultivation. He says ideal beefsteak tomatoes are supposed to be deep red inside and out, with the fruit being round in shape, and the flesh delicate yet firm, not mushy. Mr. Wu explains that in order to grow quality tomatoes, the land must be allowed to lie in fallow for an entire year to support the following year's crop. He planted his latest batch on the 20th day of the eighth lunar month (October 5, 2013 on the Gregorian calendar), purposefully bypassing the typhoon season and the rainy season. The tomatoes can be harvested after 70 days, and these plants will produce fruits from December 2013 to April 2014.
The total area devoted to beefsteak-tomato farming in Renwu District is around four hectares, with over 30 members of the district's farmers' association involved. They are the guardians of beefsteak tomatoes. They put nets over the tomatoes to prevent birds from feasting on the fruit, and also to keeps butterflies from laying eggs on tomato leaves. The latter can become problematic pests when they hatch. The tomato plants are supported with brackets that allow their vines to climb, and so enjoy better ventilation. This gives the plants more room, and a result they grow healthier fruits. From afar, a tomato farm looks like rows of green tunnels, with leaves swaying in the wind and red tomatoes peeking out from behind.
In recent years, Renwu Farmers Association has held a Beefsteak Tomato Fair, in which the best tomato is selected. The farming team picks 12 tomatoes of similar size for the panel to judge on the following criteria: color, shape, firmness, and whether they are succulent and full once cut open. The results are provided to the association for future reference.
Renwu's "Hongfantian" beefsteak tomatoes have a light, crisp sweetness when eaten raw, and they add complex flavors to dishes when used as a cooking ingredient. Right now is the season for beefsteak tomatoes. Do try them when you see them!
仁武區「紅蕃天」番茄 新鮮登場
仁武區為高雄市最大的牛番茄產區 ,牛番茄是仁武區農會冬季最引以為傲的優質農產品,以「紅蕃天」品牌在台北第一果菜市場站穩一席之地。
栽植牛番茄近10年的農友吳榮文表示 ,高品質的牛番茄顏色呈現鮮紅色、果形渾圓、果肉細緻且硬度高。他說,想栽種高品質的牛番茄得讓土地休耕、不連作,蘊育下一年的豐收。他選在2012 年農曆8月20日開始栽種,避開颱風和雨季,70天後可採收,採收期從2012年12月至2013年4月。
仁武區牛番茄栽植面積達4公頃,產銷班成員有30多人,為牛番茄品質嚴格把關。在番茄園區上搭起細網,防止鳥類進入,並阻隔蝴蝶因產卵衍生蟲害問題,番茄棚架上方搭起網子,讓番茄枝幹攀爬,番茄葉茂盛,綠意盎然,一排排的番茄棚架有如綠色隧道般,垂掛著一顆顆紅咚咚的牛番茄,番茄走道寬敞 、通風良好,能讓番茄更健康地生長。
仁武區「紅蕃天」番茄品嚐起來清甜爽口,用於烹飪和料理時更是滋味無窮 ,當季「紅蕃天」牛番茄新鮮上市,請您也嚐嚐。