



Mituo District's Popular Milkfish Shortbread Cookies/海味餅乾鮮滋味 虱想起魚酥餅和魚脯餅


Mituo District's Popular Milkfish Shortbread Cookies

魚鬆 Milkfish seasoning flakes◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi

◎Photos by Lin Ron-biao


  Many of Kaohsiung's districts rely on the ocean and aquaculture as the backbone of their local economies. In the past few years, many districts have developed several products which incorporate various sea foods. Mito is known as the "Home of Milkfish" and is proud of being Kaohsiung's largest producer. They have also developed several successful traditional milkfish-related products such as milkfish balls and seasoned flakes.

虱目魚 Milkfish  The people of Mituo have become increasingly creative in incorporating milkfish into their products. Approximately four years ago, the Mituo Fishermen's Association came up with an idea to make milkfish-infused shortbread cookies. Shihsiangci brand's milkfish shortbread cookies soon became one of Mituo Fishermen's Association most popular items.

  Shihsiangci translates as "Thinking of Milkfish" and has developed two 加入魚鬆的麵粉糰 Dough mixed with milkfish crumbstypes of cookies that differ in the types of milkfish they add to the dough. One contains lighter milkfish flakes and requires less baking time. The other contains milkfish crumbs which are darker and take longer to bake. The milkfish shortbread cookies are made with imported New Zealand Anchor butter, which produces a more natural and delicious buttery flavor. Using real butter has also been proven produce a better flavor than artificial shortenings. The fragrance of baked goods signifies the cookies are ready to take out of the oven. They have a savory sweet taste, without an overwhelmingly fishy flavor. Using milkfish in baked goods is certainly a new and delightful gourmet innovation.

  There is also a practical reason the people of Mituo have found new products to incorporate milkfish. The fish are relatively affordable and very popular but cannot survive during the cold winter months. Therefore, fish famers are forced to sell the fish at loss rather than loosing the entire crop. The milkfish shortbread cookies have created a new opportunity for a stable income year round. The Mituo Fishermen's Association guarantees the milkfish cookies to be made from 100% natural ingredients, not only making them delicious but nutritious too.

   Where to buy?     Mituo District Fishermen's Asso
  TEL: (07) 619-1157
  Address: No.60, Yugang 1st Rd, Nanliao Village, Mituo District, Kaohsiung Cityciation       


虱想起餅乾禮盒 A set of Shihsiangci shortbread cookies海味餅乾滋味  







剛出爐的虱目魚餅乾 Baked milkfish shortbread cookies just out of the oven  「虱想起」魚酥餅和魚脯餅之所以能大受歡迎關鍵,在於使用好的食材和原料,西點餅乾使用紐西蘭進口的安佳奶油,純天然的乳製品讓烘焙後的餅乾散發出人工奶油無法匹敵的香氣和口感,而餅乾中的要角為魚鬆和魚脯,經過攪拌,充份與麵粉糰混在一起,再切片烘焙,餅乾出爐時,飽滿的香氣襲來,細細品嚐,有種奇妙的滋味,完全沒有魚的腥味,在餅乾細緻的質地中,巧妙地引出魚鬆和魚脯的香味和口感,伴隨奶油餅乾的香氣,虱目魚賦予西點餅乾新鮮的體驗 ,讓品嚐過的消費者都大感驚豔。

  虱目魚是國人最喜愛且價格平實的漁獲,但虱目魚因為無法在低溫環境存活,冬季來臨前,造成產期過度集中,導致辛苦養殖的虱目魚面臨價格爆跌的窘境,而「虱想起」魚酥餅和魚脯餅成功開發,不啻為養殖戶提供一個價格穩定、相對保障的銷售通路;對消費者而言,彌陀漁會出產的「虱想起」餅乾用料實在 ,這款彌陀漁會掛保證,不添加人工香料,使用魚鬆和魚脯創造出獨特的滋味和口感,美味之餘,讓消費者食的安心。

   哪裏買?      彌陀區漁會