



Waterside Cycling Path Circumnavigating the Agongdian Reservoir/阿公店水庫 環湖自行車道


Waterside Cycling Path Circumnavigating the Agongdian Reservoir

◎English translation: Lin Fu-ju

◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


長堤 The embankment  Built in 1953, upstream of the Agongdian River, the 2.38 kilometer long Agongdian Reservoir is the longest in Taiwan. Located in Kaohsiung, where Yanchao, Gangshan and Tianliao Districts all come together, it is primarily used for flood protection, capturing run off rain during typhoon season. The dam then gradually releases the water and stops the river from overflowing. The best time of year to visit the reservoir is from September 11th to May 31st when it is filled with water. Another reason to come in fall is to enjoy the yellow leaves and the magnificent sunrises and sunsets.

  The shimmering water on the dam combined with the green trees along the bank make the area very scenic. In 2010, the 10-kilometer waterside bike path was built. Circumnavigating the reservoir and crossing two picturesque suspension bridges, the path provides cyclists a variety of perspectives of the beautiful reservoir. There are ten attractions to look for while riding along the path. These include causeways, suspension bridges, lookout points, featured botany and two hundred-year-old mango trees.

日昇蓬萊吊橋 Penglai Suspension Bridge  To the left of the main entrance of the reservoir are a set of stairs which come out onto the 2.38 kilometer embankment and provide great views of the lake, the Kassod Trees forest and a bright purple irrigation outlet. Follow the embankment along the north side of the reservoir to a look out. The path will then lead to Mist Rainbow Suspension Bridge. This provides great views of the distant mountains and the big forest on the far side of the reservoir. A little further along the path is a bamboo forest. After the bamboo forest, there is an open pavilion next to some tall longan trees, the Morning Drum observatory and several tranquil temples. The path then comes to Penglai Suspension Bridge. From the middle of the suspension bridge, Penglai Bridge can be seen in the distance. Lastly there is a small pond with aquatic plants. The Kaohsiung City Government hopes people will come out and take advantage of this spectacular cycling path and take in Kaohsiung's beautiful scenery.


從煙波虹橋到竹林泮騎的路徑 Path from Mist Rainbow Bridge to bamboo forest阿公店水庫 環湖自行車道




阿公店水庫隨處可見花、蝴蝶和鳥 Flowers, butterflies and birds found around the Agongdian Reservoir.  造訪阿公店水庫現在正是時候!每年從9月11日至隔年的5月31日進行蓄水期間,阿公店水庫水面波光綺旎,漾著綠意,風光格外動人。騎乘自行車徜徉在綿延10公里的環水庫自行車道上,最特別的是,自行車路徑規劃包括兩座吊橋,可從不同的高度領略阿公店水庫秀麗的景致。


  從阿公店大門口的左側登上階梯,眼前筆直的「長堤夕照」,長2.38公里,一面是開闊不受阻擋的湖面景致,另一面是綠樹鬱蓊的鐵道林,十月時開滿了黃花,很有秋天的意境。傍晚時,當地散步的民眾都會佇足在長堤觀賞落日景致。長堤上即可見顏色醒目的灌溉出水口「龍口吞泉」,再往前移動至水庫北側的觀景平台「水漾釣月」,下一個景點是最受喜愛的吊橋「煙波虹橋」,清晨水面會漫起一層貼近水面的霧,煙波虹橋 Mist Rainbow Suspension Bridge景致迷人,站在橋上一側可眺望大、小崗山,橋底下還可見到一整片的蘆葦隨風搖曳,從吊橋另一側可以看見對岸一片綠意盎然的「過鞍仔」森林,再往前的「竹林泮騎」栽種有許多高聳的竹子,風吹來,竹子互相碰撞的聲音像場即興演出的打擊樂。從「煙波虹橋」至「竹林泮騎」,沿途保留許多原生種的植物和大樹,清晨時段吸引許多喜愛慢跑的民眾在這一段運動,再往前的「樹影果香」設有休憩的亭子,一旁植有樹形高大的龍眼樹等果樹,下一站是「晨鐘暮鼓」賞景平台,顧名思義,附近座落許多廟宇,沿途景色寧靜,再往前是另一處吊橋「日昇蓬萊」,有趣的是走至日昇蓬萊吊橋中段,往旁邊望去,可以看見遠方有座蓬萊橋,因為太陽每天都會從蓬萊橋後方的山邊升起,所以「日昇蓬萊」是最佳觀賞日初的景點,而「日昇蓬萊」另一側即為「崗山倒影」,是觀賞大、小崗山倒影的景點,最後為植有水生植物的「荷塘曉風」埤塘。
