



Experience a “Fresh” Kaohsiung Meet William and Shiela / 高雄鮮體驗 認識William 和Shiela

Experience a "Fresh" Kaohsiung
Meet William and Shiela

◎Text by Hsin-yi Peng 
◎Photo Courtesy: William and Shiela

方家樂(左)和李詩媚(右)William(left) and Shiela (right) The "International Village English World" is Kaohsiung City's English education project in 12 elementary schools for 5th and 6th graders. On the eve of Halloween, the students had a chance to experience the fun of Halloween with the help of their Taiwanese and foreign teachers, making Halloween masks, wrapping mummies, and hanging doughnuts on a rope for a game. Through diverse curriculum and everyday scenarios, Kaohsiung City Government hopes to inspire students to become interested in learning English.

 The Education Bureau, in cooperation with the Fulbright Foundation for Scholarly Exchange, recruits Fulbright Fellows as co-teachers to teach English in the 12 elementary schools that are part of the "International Village English World". In the International Village, there are simulation hotels, restaurants, and an airport for the children to practice, so that they will no longer be afraid to speak English. For the schools that are not part of the "International Village", the Education Bureau has scheduled "International Village study
Tour camp", which will
Allow an additional 17,000 students to come to the International Village this year to interact with the American teachers and gain more language skills.

 The foreign teachers arrived in Taiwan at the end of August and their co-workers are very impressed with their enthusiasm for teaching. William and Shiela are two members of the current team and they are here to share with us their experience in Kaohsiung.

 William Billy Fong just graduated from the Colby College. He said he was thrilled to have the opportunity to come to Taiwan and teach, as well as learn about the education system in Taiwan as he gains more experience in teaching. William was assigned to Zuo-ying Elementary School to team with Ms. Chun-yao Fang as co-teachers. Together, they teach English to children between 3rd and 6th grades. William said that he used the website YouTube as a tool for the students to practice their listening comprehension and expressions. His hope is for the students to learn more about the respective cultures of Taiwan and the US, but most importantly, he wants the students to speak with self-assurance, to understand the purpose of learning English, and to increase their confidence in learning English.

 The students who attended the "International Village study tour camp" actually practiced beforehand; William remembered one particular incident when he was role-playing as a cashier in the International Village supermarket. He was practicing the conversation with a student when the student unexpectedly took out a home-made coupon! William cracked up right then and there. He enjoyed seeing his student showing their efforts in learning, and that's where most of the fun of this teaching assignment comes from.

 William is very impressed with the convenience of life brought by the Kaohsiung MRT. A native of New York, he loves to go shopping on the streets. He arrived in Kaohsiung in August, but already he shops like a native and says that he will "definitely not miss the anniversary sales"! He likes the beach and lighthouse of Cijin District and he strongly recommends the charcoal grilled calamari, a specialty delicacy of the area.

 Another teacher here to share her experience is Shiela Lee. She started working in Hua-shan Elementary School only a few months ago, but already she is very close to the faculty and the students, who address her as "Teacher Shiela". Shiela said she is very grateful to the faculty and students of Hua-shan Elementary School. The teachers and students made the transition to Taiwan very easy because they were so welcoming. For that reason, Shiela considers Hua-shan Elementary School the most charming place in Kaohsiung, along with Love River and Cijin District.

 Shiela remembered her astonishment when she saw the long lines of motorcycles on the road in Kaohsiung, which is a sight she could not even begin to imagine in her hometown in Colorado. She also shared the memory of her first time sitting as a passenger on a motorcycle, she was so nervous that she squeezed her rider with both arms at full strength. Such unique experiences have left deep impressions in her Taiwan experiences. Shiela likes the convenience of traveling in Kaohsiung City; she hopes to learn more about the customs and traditional holidays and festivals in Taiwan.

 Shiela mentions that there are many students with different skill levels that come to the village. When Shiela sees students at English Village, she has to be creative to address the different skill levels. And, she wants to improve the confidence in her students' speaking ability. She likes to teach English through everyday life, such as making Halloween masks, and letting the students learn a different culture through games and experience the fun of learning.

認識William 和Shiela


李詩媚的學生戴上萬聖節面具Sutdents wear Halloween face masks in Shiela's class. 高雄市12所設有「全球村英語世界」(International Village English World)國小5至6年級學生,在12位台灣籍和外籍教師搭配進行協同教學下,於萬聖節前夕,動手製作萬聖節面具、包裹木乃伊和串在繩上的甜甜圈等萬聖節相關活動。高雄市政府教育局希望透過多元且生活化的英語情境教學引發學生們的英文學習興趣。



 剛從Colby College畢業的方家樂(William Billy Fong)表示他很高興能有這個機會到台灣教書,吸收教學經驗,同時了解台灣的教育系統。方家樂被分配到高雄市左營國小,與方瓊瑤老師搭配進行協同教學,教導三到六年級的學生英語。方家樂說他會利用YouTube網站來訓練習學生們的聽力以及表達能力,他希望能讓學生對於台灣跟美國文化能有進一步的認識,更重要的是鼓勵學生勇於發言,讓他們了解學英語目的,增加他們對於學習英文的信心。

方家樂的學生體驗「包裹木乃伊」活動Students play wrapping mummies in William's class. 前來英語村遊學體驗營的學生事先都經過充份的練習,方家樂談起有回他在全球村扮演超市收銀員的角色,與學生練習對話,學生們出奇不意的秀出一張自備的折價卷,讓他笑翻天,學生們的用心讓他覺得這份教學工作真的很有趣。

 另一位在華山國小服務的李詩媚( Shiela Lee),她到華山國小才幾個月,卻已經跟華山的全體員工和學生打成一片,學生們都叫她Teacher Shiela,李詩媚說她非常感謝華山國小全體師生的協助,讓她很順利地適應初到台灣的轉折期,也因此,李詩媚說對她而言,龍華國小跟愛河、旗津一樣,都是她心中高雄最迷人的地方。

