



A Sports Stadium in Kaohsiung that Meets the Olympic Games / 符合奧運標準的綜合體育館

A Sports Stadium in Kaohsiung that Meets the Olympic Games Standards
Kaohsiung Arena IS born

◎Text by Hsin-yi Peng
◎Photos by Chung-Hui Pao

陳市長代表全體市民向執行巨蛋工程的幕前幕後所有的工作夥伴,致上最深的感謝。On behalf of the citizens of Kaohsiung, Mayor Chen would like to thank every one who participated in Kaohsiung Arena project from the bottom of her heart. After four years of construction, Kaohsiung's modernized, top-notch sports stadium was completed and is ready for the world. Kaohsiung Arena officially opened for operation on September 27th and immediately followed with a test run on the same day. Mayor Chu Chen was the guest of honor to announce the birth of the "Kaohsiung Arena" to the residents of the city. The mayor expressed her appreciation to everyone involved in the creation of the stadium and personally offered her warm invitation to the ambassadors and representatives from foreign countries who were invited as guests to witness the ceremony. She also welcomed their national teams to come to The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung. One of the pre-events in October 2008 was held in the new gymnasium that was built to meet Olympic Games standards. The sports include Rhythmic Gymnastic, Trampoline, Acrobatics, Tumbling and Aerobics.

 In her speech, Mayor Chu Chen said it was based on the spirit of "one generation plants trees; the next enjoys the shade" that people in Kaohsiung overcame all the challenges to build the arena and finally presented it to the world as a perfect creation. The construction of Kaohsiung Arena was a "Dream Come True" project; on behalf of the citizens of Kaohsiung, she would like to thank every one who participated in the project from the bottom of her heart.

 Mayor Chen pointed out that the building cost of Kaohsiung Arena, as the location for Gymnasium and Sports Dance in The 2009 World Games, was 7.9 billion NTD. Within this total, a 750 million NTD subsidy came from Central Government, Kaohsiung City Government invested another 750 million; the rest was entirely contributed by investors from the private sector. Mayor Chen was elated to see that the arena is now ready for operation. It was a perfect example of a win-win situation that came from the cooperation between government and the private sector, a joint effort that brings prosperity and hope for the future.

高雄巨蛋體育館除可提供各種大型運動賽事、藝文表演運用,加上鄰近捷運的便利快捷及周邊商圈發展,成為南台灣的新地標。Kaohsiung Arena is capable of hosting large scale sports games, and it also serve as an ideal location for art performances. With the Kaohsiung MRT and the fast growing commercial district nearby to bring in the crowd, it has already become a new landmark in southern Taiwan. Kaohsiung Arena is located in the south-east region of Zuoying District, covering approximately 3.5 acres of land. Kaohsiung Arena is not only capable of hosting large scale sports games, but is also an ideal location for art performances. With the Kaohsiung MRT and the fast growing commercial district nearby to bring in the crowd, Kaohsiung Arena helped to stimulate economic growth and popular interest in northern Kaohsiung and it has already become the new landmark in southern Taiwan.

 The architectural signature character of Kaohsiung Arena is the use of prestress cables on the roof, which stretch out with a span as far as 147 meters. The structure of the roof is supported by a total number of 22 two-way prestress cables, each capable of withstanding 80 tons of weight. The stadium has a capacity of 15,000 seats, among which, 5000 are mobile so the total number of seats and the seating layout can be adjusted and rearranged to fit the need of the event.

 Kaohsiung Arena is environmentally-friendly; it is an energy-saving green building that utilizes renewable energy. The large roof over the arena is designed to collect rain water for re-use; the outer wall is made of solar plates to generate renewable energy. Most of the outdoor spaces are covered with greenery, which offers the residents in Kaohsiung a place to go for sports, entertainment, art performances, shopping, and a lot of fun.






今年10月2009世運暖身賽的韻律體操、彈翻床、騰翻體操、特技體操和有氧體操就在高雄巨蛋體育館盛大展開。One of the World Games Pre-Events in October 2008 was held in the new gymnasium that was built to meet Olympic Games standards. The sports include Rhythmic Gymnastic, Tumbling, Aerobics, Acrobatics and Trampoline. 巨蛋綜合體育館,面積約5.73公頃,位於左營區東南側。高雄巨蛋除可提供各種大型運動賽事、藝文表演運用,加上鄰近捷運的便利快捷及周邊商圈發展,已開始帶動北高雄的經濟發展與人潮聚集,成為南台灣的新地標。

