

The Butterfly Princess Sets Sail / 真愛碼頭-小琉球航線 正式啟航

The Butterfly Princess Sets Sail
◎Text by Fang-Ju Lin  ◎Photos by Chung-Hui Pao

真愛碼頭 The Butterfly Princess Ferry now runs between the Love Harbor Ferry Pier (in Kaohsiung) and Hsiao Liouciou Island (Pingtung). Its maiden voyage took place on January 6, 2008, making the trip between Kaohsiung and Hsiao Liouciou much quicker and more convenient. Mayor Chen also has future plans to form a ferry transportation network which she hopes could include a northern route to Tainan and a southern route to Kenting.

 Butterfly Princess Ferry is operated by Ocean Legend Develop Ltd. It now only takes one hour to reach Hsiao Liuchiu's White Sand Port and it is forecasted this express ferry route will bring a wealth of business opportunities for the island. Hsiao Liouciou residents came out to give the first group of 149 passengers of the Butterfly Princess Ferry a grand welcoming.

花瓶岩 Vase Rock Kaohsiung City Government has successfully developed The Love Harbor Ferry Pier into a visitors' hotspot. The surrounding areas have also taken on an entirely new look. With convenient parking and the Love Boat, the Tourist Ferry, The Love Harbor Ferry Pier has become the center of an intricate water and land transportation network.

 Hsiao Liouciou Island is also tourists' hotspot and is the only coral island in Taiwan. Famous for its beautiful sea gardens, splendid scenery and famous spots such as Vase Rock, Beauty Cave, Lobster Cave and Black Ghost Cave, the island is spectacular. Residents of Hsiao Liuchiu depend greatly on fishing and tourism for their incomes. With direct routes from Kaohsiung, it is forecasted the tourism will increase substantially. These direct routes are all part of a "Blue Highway" project. Mayor Chen hopes these developments will be a great role model for transportation systems and improve local tourism.蝴蝶公主號

 The Love Harbor Ferry Pier-Hsiao Liuchiu Island ferry will run one round trip on Fridays and two over on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Monday to Thursday trips will only operate according to need and special bookings. Tickets regularly priced at 300NT (one-way) and 580NT (roundtrip) and 350NT (one-way) and 680NT (round trip) on holidays.


真愛碼頭-小琉球航線 正式啟航
◎文/江戶川 明   ◎照片提供:鮑忠暉.琉球鄉公所.海洋傳奇開發有限公司

蝴蝶公主號 真愛碼頭─小琉球航線正式啟航!行駛高雄至屏東小琉球的蝴蝶公主號觀光船在高屏首長及滿載賓客的見證下,於1月6日完成首航,想前往當地旅遊的民眾也有了更佳選擇,在高雄真愛碼頭就有船班搭乘。高雄市長陳菊期待,未來可以往北延伸台南、往南直達墾丁,串連南部水路。






海景 高雄市長陳菊表示,蝴蝶公主號的啟航,可望做為高屏地區發展觀光、促進地區共榮的成功案例。蝴蝶公主號