



Yuanwei Handmade Mantou Shop 反璞歸真 堅持原味的手工饅頭

Yuanwei Handmade Mantou Shop

◎English Written by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photos by Yang Chan-hua

 Yuanwei (original flavor) is a mantou shop located in the Zizhu New Village, in Zuoying District. Owner Mr. Wang has been in business for eight year and enjoys a large customer base.

 Every morning the shop opens to a long line of eager customers. Some of these people come from other areas and go out of their way to get Yuanwei's mantous. This diverse and loyal customer base is clear testimony to Yuanwei's popularity.

 However, Mr. Wang's booming business did not happen overnight. When he first began his business, he and his wife would often work up to 22 hours a day. He recalls falling asleep over pork buns that they would be still working on in the middle of the night. Over the years customers have been very supportive. With its location in Zuoying's military village, there are many people who have originated from provinces in China where mantous are a popular cuisine. His customers would give them a lot of feedback regarding their ongoing recipe improvements and techniques. This was very valuable to Mr. Wang, even when his shop transitioned into a thriving business. To this day he still welcomes feedback and continues to make improvements.

 He also knows the importance of making food with the best ingredients and a solid technique. He never skips steps or uses artificial flavoring. The only spice that goes into his buns is a pinch of Sichuan pepper to add flavor in the scallion rolls. He uses only government certified premium unbleached flour. This type of flour has to be kneaded precisely otherwise the mantous come out with an unappetizing, grayish hue. His mantous always come out bursting with the sweet flavor of wheat flour, solid to the touch and chewy in texture.

 Kneading the dough is also hard manual labor and with the shop full of steam all the time, Mr. Wang is always sweaty. However, every time a fresh tray of mantous come out perfectly round and full, he knows his hard work has been rewarded.

反璞歸真 堅持原味的手工饅頭








Zhenkouwei Roasted Duck House

◎English Written by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photos by Yang Chan-hua, Hou Ya-ting

 Zhenkouwei literally means "tasty roasted duck". The restaurant has been in business since 1982 and has become unquestionably the best place to get roasted duck in the area. Frequent customers usually order their ducks in advance and know it is a must if they want to make sure they get their ducks for special occasions.

 When asked what his secret was, the owner laughed and said he didn't have any secrets. The only reason his ducks are so good is because they never skip any steps. They do everything precisely and accurately. The shop produces 70 to 100 ducks daily and staff starts work at 4:30 am every day. The first batch of duck is on the rack by 10:00am. Each rack contains 10 ducks. These ducks are known as "naked ducks" because they come complete with the head and neck. They must weigh at least 2.4 kilos (about 5.3 lbs) and are fresh from the farm daily.

 The preparation process is meticulous. This process includes the plucking, the cutting of scallions, the wrapping and the making of the sauce. Zhenkouwei's roasted ducks are not only prized for their good flavor but are also sought after because every slice is fresh, crisp and fragrant. Shaving the duck is also an art that requires special skills.  The owner's wife and sister are in charge of this task. During peak hours they can shave one duck in as little as two minutes. Although the leftover bones have nearly no meat, it should not be wasted. At Zhenkouwie's they stir fry the cartilage with a generous amount of Chinese sour kraut made with mustard green. This produces the popular "leftover makeover" dish. Its deep flavor is achieved by marrying the richness of duck cartilage with a sharp note of Chinese sour kraut over an open flame. The potent fragrance and moderate amount of chili pepper added during the frying process are enough to make anyone's mouth water.

      真口味烤鴨莊 豐富了眷村的味覺印象


 作為一個老饕,一定不能錯過真口味烤鴨莊!這家在左營極富盛名的眷村美食,自民國71 年開店迄今,門庭若市,生意興隆。這烤鴨到底有多好吃?有經驗的人都知道最好事先預訂,免得望鴨興嘆!
