



Stephen Green's Exciting Life in Kaohsiung 從科學麵到哈林籃球隊 陸景文的高雄感動紀錄

Stephen Green's Exciting Life in Kaohsiung

◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photo by Hou Ya-ting

 Stephen Green is the Chief of the Commerce Section, at the Kaohsiung Branch of the American Institute in Kaohsiung. Although he claims he doesn't have a great command of the Chinese language, he seems to speak it quite well. Stephen Green studied Chinese for a year prior to his January 2009 assignment in Kaohsiung. Since he has been living in Kaohsiung he has also learned the Taiwanese are also really friendly and finds them encouraging when he speaks Chinese with them.

 He seems to really fit into life in Kaohsiung. When he first arrived he was surprised at how big Kaohsiung was. This had not previously been documented in the literature he had read prior to his arrival. Stephen has now been in Kaohsiung for two years and has had some good times here. Some of his favorite experiences include the Kaohsiung Lantern Festival and manning the AIT booth at the World Games Plaza during The World Games 2009. At the World Games Plaza he got the opportunity to discuss American products, food and culture with thousands of people.

 Stephen admits he experienced culture shock when he sampled the infamous Taiwanese delicacy, stinky tofu and confesses he may never fully recover. However, he still enjoys trying local cuisine. His favorite Taiwanese snack is the age old, popular flavored dry instant noodles. Stephen always keeps packs in his office drawer and always takes a few packs with him when he goes on business trips.

 Stephen also serves as a commissioner on the Kaohsiung City Bilingual Living Environment Commission. He feels Kaohsiung has a lot of Western restaurants that provide bilingual menus. He also enjoys the fact many international productions have also coming to Kaohsiung. He was very excited when the Harlem Globetrotters came as he has been a fan since childhood. He feels he enjoys a good quality of life in Kaohsiung.



 這個阿豆仔很不一樣!謙虛說中文不大好的他,其實能以中文侃侃而談,念茲在茲都是台美的發展關係,他是美國在台協會高雄分處商務組組長陸景文(Stephen Green)。在2009年1月時被派駐到高雄前,曾學習中文一年,他發現,台灣人真的很友善熱情,尤其是面對願意試著說中文的外國人,更是給予最大的鼓勵跟溫暖,而高雄現代化的基礎建設亦讓他對高雄刮目相看,這是資料上所沒有呈現的高雄現狀。

 陸組長的文化衝擊始於臭豆腐,他坦言可能永遠無法打從心裡喜愛臭豆腐。令人意外的是陸組長很喜歡吃「科學麵」,這個台灣社會從大人和小學生都愛的零嘴是陸組長口中很棒的零食(perfect snack),他還表示抽屜裏隨時都有包科學麵,到哪也都會帶著,說的時候,忍不住比出手拿著科學麵在吃的快樂表情,由此可見陸組長融入台灣生活的程度。


 本身也擔任高雄市政府英語審議委員的陸組長觀察到,高雄趨向提供更便捷的西式服務(Western conveniences),如有越來越多的美式餐館和餐廳提供中英文菜單。另外一項明顯的進步是高雄的娛樂有著國際級的表演,他提起之前到高雄巨蛋觀看美國哈林籃球隊的表演,這讓從小視哈林籃球隊為偶像的他深受感動,還有高雄市文化中心也觀賞得到百老匯歌劇表演,讓他感到高雄人是越來越幸福。