



The Kaohsiung Film Festival Celebrates a Decade 十年有成 邁入第10年的高雄電影節

The Kaohsiung Film Festival Celebrates a Decade

◎English Written by Lin Yi-chun 
◎Photos courtesy by Kaohsiung Film Archive, Yang Chan-hua, Hou Ya-ting

 Taiwan boasts a number of film festivals and with the four most popular held in October and November. These festivals include The Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, The Taiwan International Documentary Festival in Taichung, the touring Female Film Festival and The Kaohsiung Film Festival. Due to the fact there is a variety of film festivals held throughout the year, making The Kaohsiung Film Festival's celebration of its ten year anniversary is a true achievement.

 Kaohsiung's film festival was created at a time when many film festivals were beginning. However, ten years later only the Kaohsiung Film Festival and The Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival remain. The Kaohsiung Film Festival has been successful over the years due to Kaohsiung City Government ongoing support and its special themes that differentiate it from others.

 Cinema has also changed dramatically over the past 10 years. In the past, people preferred to see only the latest works, from master filmmakers. These days people prefer to go to their local theatres to see mainstream movies, leaving film festivals forced to present something more unique. However, this also posed a greater challenge for festival organizers who were in charge of selecting films. Most of the films screened during Kaohsiung's festival may not have won major awards at larger international film festivals; however they present a unique point of view.

 The 2010 Kaohsiung Film Festival theme is "Love & Eros". This includes topics of love, desire and challenging traditional taboos. Some features include the shocking film Fruits of Love, by Shuji Terayama and Districted, a collaboration created by various avant-garde artists. These films both exemplify the subversion of the main stream.

 This year also had a fantasy theme. These films included many KUSO style films with surprising twists in the plot. Two fantasy films include a Thai film that was a Cannes winner and a Serbian film that exhibits the peculiar Eastern European humor that was a result from years of war. Both of these international movies are worth seeing.

 Featured director Nithiwat Tharatorn from Thailand and poetic director Reha Erdem from Turkeys are both newcomers to filmmaking and whose works exhibit themes of love and fantasy. Their styles are free and untraditional. Other films that exemplify this youthful spirit are American independent film Spirit Awards, short film New Taiwan Experience, and Asian film People Power. These films raise concerns about modern society, love and injustice. As innocent or immature as they may appear, they exhibit a spirit that makes the Kaohsiung Film Festival so attractive.









 扣緊這兩個主軸,在「焦點導演」單元上選擇了泰國的「純愛導演」尼堤瓦特‧泰拉托恩Nithiwat Tharatorn 及土耳其的「電影詩人」雷哈‧艾登Reha Erdem,這兩位在國際影壇竄起的導演,分別代表了「愛」與「幻想」,帶著不受框架拘束的風格。這種年輕世代、不畏世俗的精神,同樣展現在「美國獨立精神獎精選」、「新台風」、「東京國際短片影展」、「人民力量」身上,透過影像,對社會的溫暖、愛情、不公不義都提出自己的社會關照,這些關照,或許純真、或許不夠成熟,但這就是高雄電影節最吸引人的地方。