



An Aroma that Travels through Generations/萬里飄香 岡山豆瓣醬


An Aroma that Travels through Generations

Gangshan's Fermented Soybean Paste with Hot Pepper Sauce

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi

◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


  Fermented soybean paste is a quintessential flavor in the food memories of a whole generation of Taiwanese. Its smell and taste tugs on the hearts and stomachs of every member of the family.

  In Taiwan, Kaohsiung City's Gangshan District is renowned for its fermented soybean paste. In fact, it's one of the district's "Three Treasures," the others being lamb stew and honey. But not many know the history of this beloved condiment.

  Back in 1949, when the Republic of China government moved to Taiwan, the ROC Air Force Academy relocated to Gangshan. Along with the academy came air force officers and their families. Since many of them were originally from mainland China's Sichuan Province, they brought to their new home the flare of Sichuan (often spelled Szechwan) cuisine.

  The oldest brand of fermented soybean paste in Gangshan is Chibin, and it really did start in a grandmother's kitchen. The current owner, Mr. Yuan Zhen-gang, says that back then, fermented soybean paste was not available in Taiwan, but his Grandma was able to replicate the taste from home.

  Like all military families, they received monthly rations of grains and legumes from the government. Grandma Jin accumulated several months' worth of soybeans, and with a small amount of yeast she had brought with her from home, she managed to produce the first batch of paste in Taiwan. As word got around, neighbors started asking Grandma Jin to make some for them. It eventually became a family business. Mr. Yuan and his wife, Ms. Huang Siao-feng, both grew up watching Grandma Jin perform this labor-intensive process over the years, never deviating from the original recipe.

豆瓣醬對料理提味有畫龍點睛的功效。The bean paste is an indispensable partner to many culinary creations.  That elusive "umami" in fermented soybean paste comes from the fermentation process. The proteins in soybean are transformed into amino acid, making it a delicious and nutritious addition to practically any dish.

  The key to perfect bean paste is the fermentation process. First, the beans are rinsed and cooked in a steamer, then left to cool. Yeast is blended in after the beans have cooled to room temperature. The mixture is then kept in a well-ventilated room for seven days with the temperature controlled to 26 – 28 degrees Celsius (78.8 – 82.4 Fahrenheit), the optimal temperature for yeast growth. The beans are gently massaged by hand, to ensure each bean is coated with yeast, before being sealed in jars that stand in an open courtyard. The work does not stop there. Over the following 180 days, each jar needs to be stirred periodically. The bean paste is boiled and vacuum-packed into sterilized glass jars, finally becoming the condiment we are so familiar with.

  Ms. Huang says good bean paste can hold its own without any embellishment. It is best to pair it with simple food. You simply use it as a dip with plain mantou (Chinese steamed bread). The bean paste is an indispensable partner to many culinary creations. If you eat lamb stew in Gangshan, the default sauce is fermented bean paste. It is also a wonderful companion to seafood; the salt and spice in it making fresh seafood taste even sweeter.

  Making bean paste the traditional way is backbreaking work, and at one point Mr. Yuan almost gave up. But he could not let go of the emotional bond tying him to the memory of Grandma Jin and his parents. He says he grew up "steeped in a bean paste jar". Instead of quitting, Mr. Yuan is planning to open a museum dedicated to his product, so that visitors to Gangshan can learn how a Sichuanese condiment became a Taiwanese favorite, and how a family's love for food became part of Gangshan's best offering to the world.

  Chibin Fermented Soybean Paste
   No.27-1, Jiahua Rd., Gangshan Dist., Kaohsiung City    


來高雄必買的伴手禮─岡山豆瓣醬 Gangshan's Fermented Soybean paste makes a wonderful take-home gift.萬里飄香 岡山豆瓣醬





攪醬是考驗體力與耐力的工作 Stirring bean paste is physically demanding work.  豆瓣醬主要原料是富含蛋白質的「黃豆」,經過自然發酵後釋放出氨基酸,不僅營養成份高,更是造就了豆瓣醬的獨特風味!製作好吃的豆瓣醬重點在麴菌發酵的步驟,首先是清洗及蒸熟黃豆後放涼,經過培菌七天,除了保持空氣流通,溫度要控制在26-28度,以免太冷或太熱破壞菌種。下缸前還要經過雙手搓揉按摩,讓菌種搓散並平均包覆豆子,才算培菌成功。接下來是入甕釀造,在發酵的180天使勁攪拌均勻每一醬缸,使其發酵至熟成,最後再經調味、煮沸、真空裝瓶與殺菌後,就是大家熟悉的豆瓣醬!


