



Rock Band May Day Promotes Kaohsiung in Hong Kong/五月天赴香港行銷 高雄美食打頭陣


Rock Band May Day Promotes Kaohsiung in Hong Kong

◎English translation Lin Yi-chun 

◎Photos by Jhuang Yi-chang, Pao Chun-hui


副市長李永得、五月天以高雄特產水果、蜂蜜,聯手調配巨大的高雄夏日消暑聖品「海之冰」 Deputy Mayor Li Yung-te and May Day promoting shaved ice "Hai Zhi Bing" made from Kaohsiung's local fruit  Over the last few years Kaohsiung's tourism has steadily increased. People come to enjoy its culture, music, food and international events. With over 80 direct flights a week from Hong Kong, it has also become a popular getaway for Hong Kong residents. In 2012, Kaohsiung saw a 20% increase in tourism to over a million visitors. With 300 days of sunshine a year and an average temperature of 24C, Kaohsiung is just what travellers are looking for. Kaohsiung City Government plans to increase its marketing and anticipates visitors from Hong Kong will continue to increase. They also believe tourism will boost the local economy and the city's hospitality industries. 

  In June 2013, Asian iconic band May Day and Kaohsiung's Deputy Mayor Li Yung-te, went to Hong Kong to promote Kaohsiung's famous fruit delicacies. They held a press conference and made Kaohsiung's famous shaved ice treat "Hai Zhi Bing" (Ocean Ice). They also discussed the best things to do and where to enjoy Kaohsiung's best delicacies. It was also a great opportunity to promote the 2013 Asia Pacific Cities Summit (APCS) which will be held in Kaohsiung in September.

  Rock band May Day will be headlining at Glory Pier, for the "APCS Kaohsiung Night" on September 10th. They admit they too have fallen in love with Kaohsiung's charm. "There are ten thousand reasons to visit Kaohsiung," Vocalist Ashin told the people in Hong Kong. He is also looking forward to the "APCS Kaohsiung Night" and is excited to be playing in front of thousands of visitors from approximately a hundred cities. "We hope to give them a memorable time in vibrant Kaohsiung."

五月天親自體驗並強力推薦!《高雄美食攻略完全制霸》狂搜高雄美食,超過1000家超級店家、1500道頂級美味!用美食玩高雄,成為時下最夯的事!May Day promoting the Gourmet Guide book  For people looking to enjoy Kaohsiung's cuisine, May Day's Bass Guitarist Masa recommends the food guide. "It is Greater Kaohsiung's most complete Gourmet Guidebook!" he exclaims. "The wonderful food makes people not want to leave", adds vocalist Ashin who tried three stalls in just one of his breaks, while working on a film in Kaohsiung. "The Gourmet Guidebook is so comprehensive a person would need at least half a year to try all the delicacies. Kaohsiung is a great place to enjoy gourmet food!”

  During APCS 2013 business leaders, heads of governments, experts and scholars will meet in Kaohsiung. They will come from cities all over Asia Pacific, to discuss issues such as business, the environment and culture. There will also be a summit on strategic urban governance. It is a great opportunity for Kaohsiung to network and partner with other cities in the region. The event allows for cities to come together, share common interests and exchange initiatives on sustainable development.


五月天赴香港行銷 高雄美食打頭陣




  高雄魅力,連亞洲天團「五月天」都深深著迷!主唱阿信形容,「有著一萬個去高雄的藉口」。今(2013)年6月,五月天和高雄市副市長李永得 帶著高雄特產水果到香港召開記者會,並聯手調配巨大的高雄消暑聖品「海之冰」,向香港和中國大陸的朋友推薦高雄好吃、好玩的「內行玩家行程」。


五月天向香港的朋友推薦高雄好吃、好玩的「內行玩家行程」May Day promoting Kaohsiung's delicious food and fun places in Hong Kong  五月天也強力推薦剛上市的「大高雄美食攻略完全制霸」美食書。貝斯手瑪莎興奮地說,高雄小吃美食最讓人流連忘返;阿信補充,拿到書後忍不住利用到高雄拍片的空檔,立即找了三家小吃品嚐,他強力推薦:「這本書太完整強大了,全部吃完至少要在高雄待半年,歡迎所有人到高雄品嚐美食!」

  近年高雄以文創、音樂、飲食及國際活動吸引許多國內外遊客,也因為香港直飛高雄航班每週超過80個以上,飛行時間僅70分鐘,成為港人熱門短線旅遊聖地之一。李永得說,「去年高雄觀光人次增加近一百萬人次,成長達兩成,加上一年日照時間長達300天,年平均溫24度,氣候宜人,非常適合觀光旅遊 。」高市府預計這波行銷將吸引更多香港遊客來到高雄,同時帶動食宿、購物等周邊觀光產值。
