



Kaohsiung promotes the first World Dance Sport Games/第一屆世界運動舞蹈大會在高雄


Kaohsiung promotes the first World Dance Sport Games

◎English translation: Tan Shu-chun

◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui

市長陳菊與世界運動舞蹈總會主席Carlos Freitag共同宣佈「高丹絲」與「司坡雄」擔任宣傳大使。Mayor Chen Chu and WDSF Chairman Carlos Freitag introducing event mascots Dance Kao and Sport Hsiung 

  Kaohsiung will host the first World Dance Sport Games from September 16 to 20, 2013. In order to promote the event, world Standard dance champions Simone Segatori and Annette Sudol, and international Latin dancers, Marius-Andrei Balan and Nina Bezzubova came to Kaohsiung promote the event and performed at the press conference. Events will include Standard, Latin, wheelchair dance, country, Rock'n Roll, hip hop, salsa, cheerleading and even a Taiwanese dance category. Approximately 700 of the world's best dancers from 48 countries are expected to come and compete.

快四步舞蹈 Quick Step dance※Standard Dancers Simone and Annette

  Simone and Annette have been dance partners for 9 years. They now know each other so well that they can start dancing at a glance. Their moves exude elegance and precision, with smiles that liven up the whole stage. They did a wonderful job of showcasing the charm of Standard dance.

  They pointed out a champion Standard dancer must exude elegance in their choreography, attire, posture and great physical strengths. Even if they are in pain, they must still convey great elegance and confidence during performances. They believe if dancers perform with sincerity, the audience will always enjoy the performance.

※Latin Dancers Marius and Nina

  Marius and Nina have been dance partners for 3 years and clicked right away. Over the years, they have developed a great bond which continues to grow. During performances, their eyes and body movements exhibit great passion. They explained a good Latin dance performance must include clear moves, posture, sense of music and choreography. They also advised Latin dancers to get classical ballet training in order to help them gain a great foundation and develop natural muscular lines. Marius and Nina practice daily and hope that their performances will reflect their bodies and souls.

    The first World Dance Sport Games 2013 Kaohsiung    

    Venue: Kaohsiung Arena (Sep. 16 to Sep. 20)


輪椅運動舞蹈舞者朱雄聖和陳芃妤 Wheelchair dancers Jhu Sheng-syong and Chen Peng-yu 





  九月高雄星光熠熠,高雄市將於9 月16日至20日舉辦「第一屆世界運動舞蹈大會」,屆時將有來自全球48 個國家、近700名頂尖運動舞蹈選手,展現運動舞蹈結合音樂、舞蹈、力與美於一身的非凡魅力。此次比賽項目包括:標準舞類、拉丁舞類、輪椅運動舞、鄉村舞蹈類、Rock'n Roll類、嘻哈舞、莎莎舞、啦啦隊舞及創意台客舞表演賽等。

  運動舞蹈的兩組明星選手:標準舞世界排名第一的Simone Segatori和Annette Sudol以及多次國際公開賽拉丁舞冠軍的Marius-Andrei Balan及Nina Bezzubova 5 月特地出席「第一屆世界運動舞蹈大會」在高雄的宣傳記者會,選手們精湛的舞技,豔驚四座。

※標準舞 體現優雅



※拉丁舞 眼神、動作都熱情

拉丁舞者Marius和Nina Latin Dancers Marius and Nina(左圖) 捷舞舞蹈 The Jive (右圖)  Marius和Nina搭檔3年,Nina形容兩人一拍即合,認識越久,默契也越佳。兩人一上台表演,眼神和動作既俏皮又熱情,偶而還會眨個眼睛,拉丁舞最重要的是每個動作都得非常俐落,此外,拉丁舞演出講究許多面向,包括身體的形狀、音樂以及隨音樂移動的步伐都是展現完美拉丁舞的要素。兩人表示古典芭蕾是舞蹈根源,Marius指出,練習古典芭蕾會使肌肉線條既自然且漂亮,兩人對於拉丁舞懷抱無比熱情,每天勤於練習,希望能演出反映他們的心和靈魂的作品。



    網址: www.2013wdsg.tw/


The Fundamentals of Dance Sport

 The origin of dance sport goes back to 19th century United Kingdom. It began with three categories which included Standard dance, Latin dance and world ten-dance. Dance sport is judged on the sense of music, fitness, coordination, teamwork, stamina, particular style, choreography and aesthetics. Traditionally Europeans  would host important celebrations  or ceremonies in ballrooms and therefore Dance Sport has a rather celebratory big events and luxurious dance apparel.


