



The Kingdom of Yachting Manufacture Kaohsiung / 遊艇王國在─高雄

The Kingdom of Yachting Manufacture Kaohsiung
By Jessica Lin Photos by Jessica Lin & Horizon Yacht Co. Ltd.

  Most people must have seen attractive guys and girls, or tycoons sailing their yachts in movies, or even in real life. Such moments easily arouse feelings of envy within us. However, many people may not know that most of those top quality yachts are made in Taiwan, and most of them, particularly in Kaohsiung.

水遊艇王國在─高雄-照片-◆-  Based on exquisite workmanship
  A lot of people recognize the fact that Taiwan is renowned for its computer manufacturing; however, the industry of yacht building has actually been developing in Taiwan for more than 40 years, and a thriving industry at that. During the Japanese Occupation Era, Taiwan originally had an industry of building fishing boats, and the country also had a number of well-trained technicians. After World War II, the U.S. Army authorized Taiwanese boating technicians to make yachts which started the yacht building industry in Taiwan.
  Due to the exquisite craftsmanship of the yachts, word spread quickly about the yacht exporting market in Taiwan, especially when the U.S. Army sent their yachts back home. Since the material of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) was introduced in 1965, the cost and production time of a yacht has reduced, whereas the speed and durability of the yacht have increased. The yachting industry in Taiwan started to take off and many new yachting factories were established; not only in Taipei but also throughout Taiwan. As Kaohsiung has always been a city with an advantageous geographical location and an abundance of manpower, it soon became one of the most important yacht production cities in Taiwan.

  Horizon Yacht Co. Ltd., which is located at Siaogang District and was established in 1987, is the biggest manufacturer of motor yachts in Taiwan. The CEO of Horizon Yacht Co., Ltd. John Lu, stated that due to the personalization and high expectation of quality yachts, Kaohsiung has an array of top machines and craftsmen, as well as having adopted the concept of "City and Port in one". Therefore Kaohsiung is the best environment for yachting manufacture and development in Taiwan.

-◆-  5th biggest builder of motor yachts in the world
  There are about 20 yacht manufacturing companies in Taiwan, and 80% of them are in southern Taiwan. Moreover, there are more than 19 companies in Kaohsiung with practices relating to yachting production; accounting for 25% - 30% of total yacht production in Taiwan. The biggest manufacturer is located in Kaohsiung's Siaogang District, the Horizon Yacht Co. Ltd., which is capable of producing 40 FRP super yachts. Their product range includes yachts as long as 130 feet, which can accommodate two helicopters, not to mention the sophisticated interior making them extremely popular within the market.

  The yacht companies in Kaohsiung are also doing well in selling mega yachts made of steel and aluminum. As the statistics show in U.S. magazine, "Showboats International", Taiwan is now one of the top five yacht building countries in the world. The other four are Italy, the U.S.A., the Netherlands, and England, which show that the Taiwanese yachting industry is playing a very important role in the world.

  To build a mega yacht requires not only amazing craftsmanship, but also honed techniques. Jong Shyn Shipbuilding Co. Ltd focuses on building large fishing boats, coast guard boats, or business boats. With all these skills and experience in designing and building private super yachts, Jade Yachts Shipbuilding Co. Ltd was established. The Chairman Assistant of Jong Shyn Shipbuilding Co. Ltd and Jade Shipbuilding Co., Luke Huang, stated "the yacht building industry is both a local and international industry in Kaohsiung. With a strong foundation and continual development of a unique manufacturing style, the yachts made in Kaohsiung are internationally competitive. Mr. Huang said, "Kaohsiung is now capable of building the 'Rolls Royce' of the yachting industry".

-◆-  Personalised and competitive prices to compete in the highest markets
  Since the orders for yachts come from all over the world, yachts made in Kaohsiung are found sailing everywhere. The director of the Taiwan Yacht Industry Association, Chang Shueh Chiao stated that the reason why the yachts from Kaohsiung are so popular is in the Taiwanese yacht building companies' ability to personalize their yachts. From the disability-friendly design to special sized refrigerators, not to mention customized interiors of the highest quality, customers are extremely satisfied with the yachts from Taiwan. The yacht prices are also lower than the European or American yacht building companies, which is another positive quality of the Taiwanese Yacht building industry.

  The President of Horizon Yacht Co. Ltd., John Lu, said "although there are some factories with parts in other countries, the core skill and talent of workers are in Taiwan". Although Taiwan is a yacht manufacturing kingdom, there are hardly any luxury yacht buyers in Taiwan. Mr. Lu said that this is all because of the imposed Emergency Decree, which was lifted in 1987; no one has had a chance to do any of the potential water activities along the coastline.

  Despite that, the yachting companies are very positive about the industry's development in Taiwan. Recently, the Kaohsiung City Marine Bureau has been developing the opportunities for recreational water activities. The strategy of combining the city and the coast will bring more water activities to the citizens. With the increasing popularity of aquatic leisure activities, there will be more and more Taiwanese experiencing the enjoyment of yachts.

水遊艇王國在─高雄   文/林昀熹 攝影/林昀熹、嘉鴻遊艇股份有限公司

  相信大家都曾經在電視電影或廣告中,看過俊男美女、商場大亨駕駛著私人遊艇,迎風馳騁於海上的畫面,那種無拘無束的感覺總令人欽羨不已;不過您可知道,這些遊艇有相當高的比例是「Made in Taiwan」,其中不但涵括了頂級遊艇,且台灣的遊艇製造重鎮就在高雄!

-◆-  精湛工藝奠定好基礎

  由於手工精良,美軍返國後也把船隻運送回國,間接推展了口碑,開啟台灣遊艇外銷的契機。1965年FRP(Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic)材質的引進,更降低了遊艇的製造時間與成本,使用年限和速度卻大為增進,助長台灣遊艇產業蓬勃發展,新的遊艇廠紛紛成立,並且由台北延伸到全台,而擁有港灣的高雄因為具備地理條件和人力資源優勢,很快就成為台灣遊艇製造業的重鎮。


-◆-  全球第五大遊艇生產國

  此外,高雄遊艇業者在鋼鋁材質的巨型遊艇製造方面也表現優異。根據2005年初美國知名巨型遊艇專業雜誌ShowBoats International的接單排名統計,台灣已晉升世界第五大遊艇製造國家,前四名分別是義、美、荷、英,顯示台灣的頂級遊艇工業在全球已佔有舉足輕重的地位。


-◆-  「客制化」的專業與價格 搶攻頂級市場

