



KMBS launches real-time broadcasting of BBC news / 高雄電台聯播英國BBC新聞

KMBS launches real-time broadcasting of BBC news /高雄電台聯播英國BBC新聞  

Kaohsiung Municipal Broadcasting Station signed an agreement with BBC World Service to provide simultaneous broadcasting of BBC's prime news programs on FM94.3 and bring the latest happenings around the world to residents in southern Taiwan.

 Starting from today, KMBS will broadcast two BBC news programs in East Asia time zone on FM94.3 from Monday to Friday. The World Today will be aired from 7:00 to 7:30 a.m. and the trademark Newshour, a cross-timezone production, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.

 Information Department Director Guan Bi-ling said that she used to listen to BBC World Service regularly and thought it worthwhile to be introduced to an estimate of 5 million residents in the 7 counties and cities of southern Taiwan. She explained that it is the most informative and global English radio service available to audience on the island, always able to look at news events in perspective. As the world's paramount leader of news productions, BBC World Service also produces many cultural programs on communities in countries all over the world, which impressed her very much.

 According to KMBS, the synchronized broadcasting of BBC news programs on FM94.3 is an unprecedented initiative in Taiwan. In the past, they could only resort to the 5-minute hookup of ICRT and BBC for standard English accent news broadcast. However, the audio quality was frequently jammed as a result of long transmission distance. For this reason, audience lost interest in the broadcast as well as the opportunity of practicing English listening comprehension. With the 1.5 hr airtime, BBC will offer prime time English news programs to audience in Taiwan.

  高雄廣播電台與英國國家廣播公司 BBC WORLD SERVICE 簽約合作,自即日起,FM94.3頻道正式聯播 BBC 招牌黃金檔新聞節目,為南台灣的民眾傳遞與世界同步的最新消息。

  自即日起每週一至週五,在高雄廣播電台FM94.3頻道,聯播 BBC 東亞時區二個時段的新聞節目,分別為上午7:00至7:30的「The World Today」;以及晚上8:00 至9:00 BBC 跨時區的招牌黃金檔新聞「Newshour」。南台灣的民眾只要鎖定 FM94.3,即可無秒差地接收BBC的最新國際動態,搶在第一時間洞燭先機!

  新聞處管處長表示,過去她經常收聽BBC WORLD SERVICE 的節目,她認為值得將這個節目引進給南台灣七縣市估計有五百萬的聽眾朋友,因為這是我們在台灣所能聽到的英語廣播節目中,最有深度及國際視野,且對任何新聞問題最能切中問題核心的廣播電台,BBC WORLD SERVICE 除了作新聞性的節目,在全世界擁有絕高的地位之外,它也做了很多與世界各國社區相關的人文性節目,令人十分感動。

  高雄電台指出,FM94.3聯播 BBC 新聞節目,堪稱南台灣創舉,預估將有南部七縣市500萬收聽人口,可直接收聽到BBC即時新聞。過去南台灣民眾想收聽發音純正的新聞英文,僅能收聽ICRT與BBC合作的5分鐘新聞聯播時段,但礙於傳輸距離的影響,收聽音訊常受雜訊干擾,進而影響聽眾的收聽樂趣與英文聽力的訓練機會。這次,英國國家廣播公司 BBC 選擇與它性質雷同的公營媒體高雄廣播電台,在南台灣進行英文新聞聯播事宜,除了聯播時間長達一個半小時之外,也選擇最招牌黃金時段的英文新聞回饋南台灣的民眾。