



Akiko Shinkoda's Life in Kaohsiung;The Life of Harbor Pilot Capt. T. B. Su / 新小田亞希子 自在穿梭在高雄;入港領航員 引水人蘇燦標

Akiko Shinkoda's Life in Kaohsiung

◎English written by Lin Fang-Ju ◎Photo by Hou Ya-ting

 Five years ago, Akiko Shinkoda left her homeland of Japan, to move to Kaohsiung with her Taiwanese husband. Since then she has made many new friends and has got used to the way of life in Taiwan. When she first came to Kaohsiung, she joined a social group and began getting involved in planning events such as New Year celebrations and year-end banquets. Akiko has also learned to speak Chinese fluently and joined the local work. She now works in a department store and has established some great relationships with her coworkers and customers. Sometimes, they even tell her when they have seen her on TV. Working in Taiwan has also improved her Chinese and even helped her pick up some Taiwanese!

 Akiko felt the most difficult thing to get used to, was the numerous motorcycles on the street. Once she and her Japanese friends were so shocked by the huge number of motorcycles parked at the mall, they photographed it. Now she has no problem getting around by motorcycle.

 When asked what she likes the most about living in Kaohsiung, she mentioned the warm weather. She also enjoys visiting Singuang Ferry Wharf and Cijin Island. She recommends visitors go out to Cijin to enjoy the sunset, experience their special tricycle rides and sample the seafood. Akiko also enjoys cycling and enjoys riding along the bike path near Pier-2 Art Center. She commends the scenic route and enjoys seeing the attractions along the way. Akiko also enjoys Taiwanese foods such as sugar cake, pork buns and local fruits such as Roseapples. In her free time she enjoys practicing yoga and attending festivals like Kaohsiung's Lantern Festival. Although she goes back to Japan to visit friends and family each year, she now embraces her new life, friends and family in Kaohsiung.

新小田亞希子  自在穿梭在高雄


 在高雄生活邁入第五年,日籍的新小田亞希子(Akiko Shinkoda)當初因為跟著台灣籍先生回故鄉,因而定居高雄。Akiko表示,喜歡高雄的好天氣,也很適應高雄的生活環境。

 Akiko從剛到高雄加入「日本女生會 」認識新朋友也熟悉環境,到今年輪到她與其他會友共同主辦活動,一起為會員們服務,比如舉辦新年會和尾牙等。中文說得很流利的Akiko,三年前投入職場工作,中文也是從那時候開始,突飛猛進。Akiko說,與台灣同事一起工作,不但讓她精進了中文,還學了一點點台語。Akiko因為從事百貨服務業,與同事和客戶有頻繁而廣泛的接觸,連她上電視都會有親切的客戶跟她分享這個消息。

 問起Akiko最喜歡的高雄景點,Akiko 答的肯定,「新光碼頭」是首選!朋友造訪時,Akiko會大力推薦他們搭渡輪到旗津看夕陽、吃海鮮,還可體驗旗津島上的三輪車。空閒時,她除了練習瑜珈,還喜歡騎腳踏車,特別是駁二園區附近,除了有規劃完善的自行車道,還可參觀許多的展覽。最喜歡的食物則是白糖粿、肉包以及台灣水果特產蓮霧。提到她最愛的節慶,Akiko誇讚高雄燈會越辦越好,規模也一年比一年大。


The Life of Harbor Pilot Capt. T. B. Su

◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi ◎Photo by Hou Ya-ting

 The harbor pilot profession is job that is unfamiliar to many and a highly specialized profession, requiring in-depth knowledge and skill. It also takes a lot of experience to handle all the situations that occur, such as high winds or ferocious waves. Capt. T. B. Su has been a harbor pilot for twenty years and is currently Deputy Chief Pilot at Kaohsiung's Harbor Bureau. When asked if he ever thought about pursing another career, without hesitation Capt. Su responded, he would not have had it any other way. Previously, he worked for ten years as a shipping captain but found he was often away from his family for long periods, so he decided to make a career change.

 He compares his job to a parking valet, except he is in the business of parking ships. Mr. Su discusses harbor pilots have to be available 24-7, working day, night, weekend and holiday shifts. They also need a good command of English, be familiar with the Port of Kaohsiung and know maritime navigation and regulations. In order to become a harbor pilot it requires at least three years experience as a shipping captain and the acquisition of special license.

 Harbor regulations state foreign ships must apply prior to docking. Incoming vessels must come to a full stop two nautical miles outside the breakwaters of Kaohsiung harbor and wait for the approach of the pilot boat. The harbor pilot will then climb aboard with the aid of a 2-3 meter ladder. Harbor pilots usually work alone and carry a tremendous responsibility. Their work is especially dangerous after a typhoon, due to the fact it may still be very windy and choppy. Working under such conditions can definitely be unnerving, even for the toughest. The harbor pilot then takes command and gives directions to everyone on board, including the captain. Everyone must work with synchronized precision in order for the dock to be successful. Capt. Su always loves the moment a ship is safely docked and the captains show their appreciation. This always gives him a great sense of accomplishment.

 Capt. Su said twenty years working as a harbor pilot has had a positive effect on his personlity. He is now calmer, more level-headed and confident. It has also developed his ability to make on-the-spot decisions. Although hes legs are often scratched, he loves his work. Nothing relaxes him more than going home knowing he has done his best and given his all.

入港領航員 引水人蘇燦標



 「你聽過代客泊車嗎?我的工作是泊船。引水人的工作沒有白天、晚上、過年之分,就像是24小時的便利超商。」蘇副主任傳神地描述著這個不太被外界了解的工作。除了精通英語、至少3 年船長資歷、熟稔操船、航政法規及豐富的港灣常識等條件,還需考取執照等,方能成為一位「引水人」。

