



Cishan Taiwan's Banana Kingdom / 香蕉王國 旗山

Cishan Taiwan's Banana Kingdom

◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi 
◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui, Yang Chan-hua, Anthony Yeh, Hou Ya-ting

香蕉開花Banana trees Banana farming is one of Taiwan's leading industries, which began in Cishan during Japanese Colonialism. The community considers it a true blessing and holds the record for producing the largest single banana crop in Taiwan. With crop fields of over 1500 hectares, it has the earned the nickname "Taiwan's Banana Kingdom".

 Premium bananas are straighter, approximately 2 to 4 kilograms, ripen evenly with no blemishes or defects, bright yellow in appearance and a sweet taste. Cishan's premium sweet bananas are the result of an abundance of rain in the region and rich fertile conditions due to Gaoping River's Alluvium deposits. They are also resistant to cold weather.

 During the 1960s, Taiwan's government developed its manufacturing and agricultural exporting. At that time Japan imported 90% of its bananas from Taiwan. However, the Philippines have now developed a very competitive banana trade, leaving Taiwan with only 5% of the Japanese market. Local farmers like Chang Hong-shih (farming bananas for eleven years), believe it is necessary to regain some of this market share. In the wake of the Philippine market take over, he hopes the government can assist them by opening up new sales channels.

 Mr. Liu has been a banana farmer for over 40 years and smiles when he talks about this year's banana harvest. In contrast to the previous year's crop destruction due to Typhoon Morakot, this year's colder weather made bananas grow slower, producing more delicious, healthier and sweeter bananas. The cold weather also caused a banana shortage, driving prices up.

※Banana Research Institute of Taiwan

利用催熟技術,控制香蕉的成熟度和時間Post harvest techniques ensure bananas ripen at specific times The Banana Research Institute of Taiwan is highly respected by the members of Cishan Farmer's Association and was founded in 1970. It is the world's only institution that is solely devoted to researching only one fruit. It includes a staff of 20 researchers, committed to enhancing the efficiency of Taiwan's banana production. They also research pest and disease control, safe use of pesticides, labor-saving techniques, organic agriculture, preservation technology etc. The institute develops educational materials for banana farmers and conduct evaluations of banana crops. They survey banana fields and provide diagnosis and advisory services for farmers. The institute has 30 to 40 hectares of its own agricultural land. Its most recent breakthrough is developing a resistance to yellow leaf disease. They are now producing great quantities of these healthy resilient seedlings, which are also found to save on labor.

 Chao Chih-ping is the institute's current director and suggests banana farmers should form a cooperative, establish a professional banana production area and have a uniform selling price. He also advised, they should work together to market their bananas and abide contracts in order to maintain a stable supply chain. He also warns farmers, continuous cropping without adequate fallow time will result in decreased production. By working together, farmers can enjoy the benefits of banana farming without their current concerns.( Taiwan Banana Research InstituteAddress:No.36, Jianguo Rd., Neipu Township, Pingtung County)

香蕉王國 旗山

◎文/侯雅婷 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉、楊蟬華、葉三銘、侯雅婷

香蕉研究所種植的有機香蕉Organic bananas grown at the Banana Research Institute of Taiwan 旗山蕉農說:「旗山種香蕉是老天爺賞飯吃。」旗山香蕉為全台單一鄉鎮栽種面積最大的單一作物,踏進旗山即可見綿延一片的蕉海,旗山因此擁有「香蕉王國」的美譽。


 60年代,台灣外銷以農業為主,政府的政策也是農業帶動工業,香蕉的黃金時期更攻佔日本市場九成,香蕉貿易為國庫帶來豐厚的收益。而產業隨著時空背景變化的影響,外銷市場因為菲律賓香蕉的崛起 ,目前台灣香蕉外銷日本佔有率為5%。種植香蕉有11年經驗的張宏士談起香蕉經濟產值的改變,他認為外銷是必須的,而外銷日本市場的管道則已漸漸被菲律賓取代,希望政府能出面協助蕉農開闢新的產銷管道。


香蕉研究所量化生產健康種苗The Institute's healthy resilient seedlings 台灣研究香蕉首屈一指的權威機構「財團法人台灣香蕉研究所」所長趙治平表示 ,旗山蕉農種植香蕉的經驗豐富,但他強調蕉農須建立保育土地的觀念,土地如連作且未充份休耕,將導致香蕉的生產力下修。面對台灣香蕉產業,趙所長建議蕉農應建立共同運銷機制,即維持香蕉均價,再者,蕉農彼此互相合作,朝向建立香蕉生產專區的目標來努力,最重要的是必須恪守契約供貨,維持穩定的供銷能力,建構良好的供應鏈及穩定的通路,最終受益的是蕉農,讓蕉農能無後顧之憂地種植香蕉。

