



Fujii Masami – Master of sweetness/幻化甜蜜與幸福的滋味

Fujii Masami - Master of sweetness

◎English translation: Lin Fang-ju 
◎Photo by Pao Chung-hui

     Wagashi is a delicious, Japanese dessert and an integral part of Japanese culture. It was also the delicacy which propelled Fujii Masami into pursuing his current career. At 19, the now Japanese pastry chef began his career working in a cake shop. By the time he turned 28, he had already lived in Paris, Macau and Singapore and devoted his life to studying the international dessert industry. He believes dessert is a symbol of happiness. Although food is one of life's necessities, desserts are one of life's pleasures. He believes successful desserts are a combination of diverse ingredients, creative ingenuity, sensational visual effects and delicious sweetness. It should amaze and satisfy.

     Mr. Fujii is very humorous and easy-going outside of the kitchen. However, when he dons his chef uniform he becomes serious and very professional. His desserts reflect Japanese simple yet unique style. His creativity knows no boundaries. Sometimes he uses Kaohsiung's seasonal fruits and combines them with Japanese ingredients such as miso, soy sauce or wasabi. He is constantly working to develop creative desserts that blend Taiwanese and Japanese flavors.

     Mr. Fujii works for Splender Hotel Kaohsiung as a dessert chef and works from a kitchen that overlooks the Port of Kaohsiung. Before he came to Kaohsiung, he had heard great things about Taiwan. Mr. Fujii has only been in Kaohsiung for a little more than 2 months. He mentioned rice and braised pork is his favorite local dish. He also enjoys sitting by the ocean on Cijin Island while enjoying the breeze and feasting on barbecued seafood. Mr. Fujii enjoys swimming, diving and the weather in sunny, southern Taiwan. Although he is usually busy developing new desserts and teaching students, he enjoys going to Sizihwan in his free time. He also enjoys a leisurely cup of coffee on Shoushan and is impressed he can see the Formosan macaques running wild on the mountain side. He wants to learn as much as he can about Kaohsiung and finds it beautiful, with friendly people.



     以精緻典雅造型著稱的日本和菓子,在日本人的生活中佔有一席之地,日籍甜點主廚藤井正己(Fujii Masami)即是受其啟發,就此展開甜點人生。


     帶著靦腆笑容,言談之間流露著幽默風趣,藤井正己私下個性隨和,穿上廚師袍卻顯得自信且嚴謹,敬業的態度表露無遺。他的創作風格不設限,甜點以日系簡約造型呈現 ,其中蘊含著各地料理精髓,他也計畫使用香蕉、梅子、芭樂、鳳梨等高雄的季節水果,並結合味噌、醬油、山葵等日式元素,研發兼具台日風味的創意甜點。




Chen Yueh Hsiang's Woven Fabrics

◎English translation: Li Yi-chun 
◎Photo by Pao Chung-hui

     In Taoyuan District, Chen Yueh Hsiang is Bunun Tribe's champion weaver. Learning to weave 19 years ago, she instantly fell in love with it and has been an avid weaver ever since. She explains, weaving makes her feel free. She enjoys choosing the width of the cotton threads, weaving techniques and pattern design, resulting in beautiful, woven masterpieces.

     Chen has a passionate interest in weaving. She is devoted to promoting Bunun weaving and fabric art. She enjoys lecturing at schools and teaches weaving to mothers in the tribe. Her cultural advocacy began in Taoyuan District, but hopes the tribal women will assist in promoting Bunun textile arts and crafts. This will also boost the tribe's income.

     Chen's woven fabrics have developed a good reputation. Their products include brightly woven, unique cushions, mats, scarves, hand bags and camera pouches. The tribal women sell them at craft fairs and assist by diligently manning the stalls. They display and promote their woven products and receive outstanding feedback.

     In 2009, Typhoon Morakot was catastrophic for the tribe and other residents of Taoyuan District. The post-disaster reconstruction plan required them to relocate to Chishan District. With the assistance of other tribal women, Chen started up a weaving business. In April 2012, the Taoyuan District Woven Art showroom opened in Chishan Cultural Park. The woven green curtains at the entrance reveal the welcoming. The high-ceilings in the elegant space accent the bright, beautiful fabrics.

     Chen currently divides her time between Taoyuan and Chishan Districts. She plans to open a production line in Taoyuan District and run the showroom in Chishan District. For the next two years, Chen will also focus on teaching people about weaving. This can assist the women to be more influential and allow them to pass on the skills. It will also shed new light on the weaving culture that aboriginal tribes are so proud of. It will develop participants' creativity and positively impact the tribe. Chen hopes that when her work of passing down of this heritage is complete then she can once again focus on weaving.


「織」功夫  陳月香


     被譽為是桃源區布農族最擅於織布的陳月香 ,19年前開始學習織布,自此,編織與她的人生起了化學作用,沉浸在有趣的編織世界中。談起織布最迷人的地方,陳月香說,在織布機前,依循著想像,選擇綿線粗細、編織的技法和圖形設計,手作的織品常常出乎意外的呈現出全然不同的美麗驚喜!


     集眾人之力,部落媽媽的手作織品巧思漸漸打開名氣,色彩亮麗的織布運用抱枕、腳踏墊、圍巾、手提袋、相機等產品獨樹一幟,部落媽媽們勤於在各場活動中設攤展示產品,在現場頗受好評 ,直到2009年的莫拉克颱風重創當地,桃源區的居民被安置於旗山,也因為這個緣故,陳月香和部落媽媽們選定在旗山重起爐灶,2012年4月,嶄新的桃源區織品展示間落腳於旗山生活文化園區挑高的優雅空間中,相得益彰,從入口處的綠色格子門廉,就能感受布農族媽媽們手作織品的溫馨風格。

     現在,陳月香奔波於桃源和旗山二地,她計劃將桃源規劃為生產線,在旗山則成為展售點,陳月香將今、明年兩年重心放在織布教育推廣,陳月香說,女人有很多力量,透過教育傳承,使原住民引以為傲的織品文化以新的表現手法 ,讓投身其中的部落媽媽的創意發揮影響力。最後這位大女孩說,希望傳承織品的工作告一段落時,她又能回到全心全意編織的幸福時光。