



Jiasian's Chu-Yun Plum Extract/甲仙 初雲梅精

Jiasian's Chu-Yun Plum Extract

◎English translation: Marie-claude Pelchat 
◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui

     Going up winding mountain trails that reveal beautiful scenery, the early spring sun shines down on lush leaves which hide little green plums. The plum farms that dot the slopes of Baiyun Mountain are among the organic plum orchards which have benefited from the guidance of Jiasian Farmers' Association. Verdant woodlands act as a buffer zone, preventing pesticides sprayed in other areas from contaminating these plum orchards, and thus contributing to a natural organic environment.

     Ms. Liu Hsiu-chin, director of Jiasian Farmers' Association Green Plum Food Processing Factory, explains: "Growing organic plums is a way to differentiate ourselves in the market." In the past, few people knew that Kaohsiung's Jiasian District had close to 2,000 hectares of plum farms. In 2008, the farmers' association worked with the government to introduce the Chu-Yun brand, and set up a marketing program with the goal of developing plum-based health products. Starting from scratch, the association progressively entered organic farming, achieved product traceability certification and CAS certification, as well as organic farming certification, all of which guarantee that the products are fertilizer- and pesticide-free. Director Liu laughs and says that although organic green plums are smaller than those grown by conventional methods, their flesh is firmer. Currently, organic green plum orchards cover 11.19 hectares in Kaohsiung's Jiasian, Taoyuan and Namasia Districts.

     The skin of green plums is fuzzy, and the end of the fruits are pointed. Their skin is crisp and slightly bitter, while the entire fruit has a sour and astringent taste. Director Liu says that plums which have attained a degree of ripeness of five to six are most suitable for producing concentrated plum extract. The best time to harvest these green plums is from Mid-March to early April.

     After this period, farmers harvest plums that have reached a degree of ripeness of at least seven or eight. The skin of these plums will have turned yellow. Because they have fully ripened, they are no longer suitable for turning into concentrated plum extract. Instead, they are used to make preserved plums.

     After purchasing green plums from farmers, the association sends the fruits to a processing factory. There, machines are used to break the fruits down into paste, and the flesh of the fruit will be separated to extract plum juice. This juice will then be boiled for 72 consecutive hours, until highly concentrated plum extract is left. It takes 600kg of green plums to produce just 14kg of concentrated juice. The dark, shiny plum extract captures the essence of green plums and has been called the "black gold of Jiasian." Director Liu explains that the production method is entirely natural. The boiling process eliminates the bitterness of the fruit, she says, so the plum extract has a natural acidity and saltiness. Apart from drinking plum extract by diluting it with water, it can also be consumed neat or added to dishes.

※Where to buy?
Jiasian Farmers' Association  07-6754123



 甲仙 初雲梅精



 「作有機梅,是想要作市場區隔。」甲仙農會青梅加工食品廠劉秀琴廠長說 ,過去罕少有人知悉甲仙地區就擁有近2000公頃左右的梅果栽種面積。民國97 年,甲仙地區農會與政府合作,引入「 初雲」的品牌名稱,以開發養生產品為目標,成立產銷班,從無到有,一步步踏入有機農業,陸續通過生產履歷、吉園圃認證,並通過有機轉型驗證,完全不施灑化肥及農藥。劉廠長笑著說,有機青梅個頭較小,但果肉結實。甲仙地區目前的有機梅園約有11.19公頃,分別散布於甲仙、桃源及那瑪夏等地區。


甲仙地區農會 07-6754123




  Peaches of Namasia District

◎English translation: Marie-claude Pelchat 
◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui

 If you want to taste the fragrant, flavorsome, sweet and juicy peaches from Namasia District, now is the time! Sun Bao-shan, who has been growing peaches in Namasia District for eight years, says that caring for the fruit is a complicated affair. He explains that the blossoming of the peach trees in January this year unfortunately coincided with a few weeks of unusually cold weather, and that this has resulted in a 40% reduction in harvest. Harvest time this year has been delayed by 20 days, and will fall between May and mid-June. Because the peach marketing group has already determined pricing, the price of peaches won't be affected. To taste these peaches, which are available only once a year, you will have to be quick!

   Where to buy ?
‧Sun Bao-shan  07-6701038 or 0934157439
‧Namasia District Office  07-6701001 #226







孫保山 07-67010380934157439
那瑪夏區公所 07-6701001#226