



Go Steak-savvy/嚐鮮牛排有一套

In Kaohsiung, steak houses with businesspeople being their major clients mass in the west. Topping the list are Illuna Galleries' Porterhouse, the long-lived New President Steak House and Hong Pine Steak House, Wang Steak, and Grand Hi-lai Hotel's Antoine Room, etc. And there's newly opened Ruth's Chris Steak House, the best chain steak house in the U.S. It only uses prime beef airlifted all the way from the States. Never frozen, the beef is put into cold storage to stay fresh and broiled in a trademark 1,800 degree Celsius oven that locks in the juices and flavor. Furthermore, it is served on a plate heated to 450 degrees so that it is hot throughout the meal. The steak cooked to order is tender and juicy. You can easily cut it open with a butter knife. Rare to medium is recommended for the best taste. The rare particularly boasts melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. No wonder William L. Hyde, Jr. - President and CEO, said with assurance that the dining experience in the steak house is an unforgettable one for all patrons. At least 80 percent come back regularly.

 Most people in Taiwan eat beef with an assortment of sauces, thus clouding its original flavor. As a matter of fact, prime beef only solicits a slight touch of butter, salt and spices. The highest-grade beef does not compromise with price. Wang Steak, Porterhouse, and Hong Pine set the range from NT$800 to NT$1,000, while New President and Ruth's Chris, aiming for clients of higher spending, charge around NT$2,000 for a nice steak meal. For those who have a stomach for premium beef, they are surely the best gourmet choice.







  在牛肉的分類上,根據美國肉類出口協會的分類,共分八級,美國極品級(U.S.Prime) 、美國特選級(U.S. Choice)、美國可選級(U.S.Select)、美國合格級(U.S. Standard)、美國商用級(U.S. Commercial)、美國可用級(U.S. Utility)、美國切塊級(U.S. Cutter)、美國製罐級(U.S.Canner ),優劣由一至八順序而下,一般來說前三級牛肉是做牛排的素材。
