



Chang Bo-ren's Chemical Free White Shrimps/許下一頁養殖業風華 張博仁的無毒白蝦


Chang Bo-ren's Chemical Free White Shrimps

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi ◎Photos by Lin Yu-en


  Due to its long coastline, many of Kaohsiung's districts have developed a variety of aqua-culture businesses. In Mituo District, many of the employees are an aging demographic. Currently the district worker's median age is sixty. However, there is one younger gentleman named Chang Bo-ren, who has recently returned to work in his family's shrimp farming business.

張博仁的白蝦  Chang Bo-ren's white shrimps  Mr. Chang previously worked in an office and never imagined he would follow in his father's footsteps. He made his decision to return home in 2010 when he witnessed the destruction of Typhoon Fanapi. During the storm, he felt helpless as he watched his father pace up and down as water levels outside began to rise and spilling over the barriers. The typhoon destroyed his family's livelihood when it washed their shrimp ponds away. Mr. Chang felt that it was then that he got the calling to help his father rebuild his business and decided that he would carry on their family business. Mr. Chang's family has been shrimp farming for generations. He was aware of the risks involved, such as severe weather, but didn't previously realize what back-breaking work it is. Even during typhoons, farmers must go out to inspect their ponds.

  "We need more young people to join our ranks, which can only be done if the business reasonably profitable and that there is future in it," Mr. Chang commented. He has already upgraded his family's business by creating a website and making the farm chemical free, while still maintaining the market price. He also takes orders directly from the customers and now ships directly to the customers instead of going through traditional wholesalers. Mr. Chang is now working towards obtaining the certificate, which he believes will attract a more health-conscious consumer.

   Shrimp Farming Methods

捕撈白蝦  Harvesting white shrimp  White shrimp has an established market price and although it has a high mortality, it is considered to be a very good aqua-cultural product. Although each crop starts out as 800,000 lavas, only 2 to 10% grow to full size. Usually shrimp farmers keep milkfish or mullet in order to bring higher yields. White shrimp mature in three months and weigh from 10 to 12 grams. They become premium grade shrimps at five to six months and weigh as much as 30 grams per head.

  Mr. Chang has adopted chemical free farming techniques. His chemical-free white shrimps have received Kaohsiung City Marine Bureau's Certification of Origin and will soon receive the Executive Yuan's Committee of Agriculture, Traceable Agricultural Product (TAP). This certificate guarantees the product was raised under strict, monitored conditions and ensures product safety.

  Mr. Chang has a background in bioengineering and is currently utilizing his knowledge. He engineers his own photosynthetic bacterium which he uses in water quality control. This has resulted in a healthier, larger shrimp. His shrimps are now free of all chemicals throughout the maturation process. Shrimps are sampled periodically and strict records are maintained. Some drugs are still necessary in the process; however, shrimps are not harvested until they can no longer be traced. Mr. Chang can guarantee his customers the freshest shrimp and only remove the shrimps from the ponds when he has orders to fill. Live shrimps are immediately dumped into a freezer for approximately three to four hours, so they maintain a springy texture and delicious taste. Mr. Chang puts as much care into the upkeep of the grounds as he does in water quality. He uses a mower instead of herbicide to get rid of weeds and in prevent contaminates.

  Mr. Chang believes that although shrimp farming is hard work, it is well worth it. He feels his products are playing an important part in reviving Mituo District's reputation as one of the best aqua-cultural regions in Taiwan. He is glad customers can enjoy a high quality shrimp, at a reasonable price. Customers can now order directly from his website or call him on his cellphone at 0987321230. Above all, he hopes to see more young people start aqua-culture businesses.


張博仁  Chang Bo-ren許下一頁養殖業風華


◎文/侯雅婷 ◎攝影/林育恩







白蝦重達10至12克  White Shrimp weigh from 10 to 12 gramsers  養殖一池白蝦,裏裏外外都是學問。張博仁養殖的無毒白蝦,已取得高雄市政府海洋局的水產養殖產地認證標章,2013年也可望取得農委會的生產履歷,取得認證代表養殖戶的生產過程皆受到監控,讓消費者食的安心。



    張博仁 0987321230