



Thai Cuisine:Wang Brothers' Thai City & Ya Ho Thai Foods / 泰國料理 新泰城&雅禾

Thai Cuisine:Wang Brothers' Thai City & Ya Ho Thai Foods

◎Text by Fu-Ju Lin
◎Photos by Wei-jen Yang

   As the blazing sun dominates these lazy summer days, our appetites often wilt under the unrelenting heat. There is nothing that can better revive our taste buds than the delicious taste of Thai food. Wang Brothers' Thai City and Ya Ho Thai Foods are two of Kaohsiung's most popular Thai restaurants. Thai food is famous for its potent hot and sour taste and wondrous seasonings.

Wang Brothers' Thai City

 In the past, Thai restaurants in Kaohsiung City were mostly owned by Chinese people that had come from Myanmar. Since Myanmar is geographically close to the Yunnan province of China, the cuisine served in these restaurants has become a crossbreed of Burmese, Yunnan Chinese and Thai cuisine. Wang Brothers' Thai City is still serving up this extraordinary mixture of cuisines.

 The restaurant was opened when Thai food was relatively new to Taiwan. Wang Brothers' Thai City is now one of the oldest Thai restaurants in Kaohsiung. When the restaurant first opened, the restaurateur hired an authentic Thai chef to head up their kitchen. The unique and exotic Southeast Asian gourmet cooked up at Wang Brothers' Thai City has become famous in the restaurant community.

 Wang Brothers' Thai City serves Thai style curries packed with Southeast Asian flavor. Thai curries are the restaurant's most popular dishes and unlike Indian curries, are seasoned heavily with fennel, Sichuan peppercorns and star anise. Thai curries are considerably milder than other curries, and therefore highly favored by Taiwanese customers. There are two types of curries in Thai cuisine, which include red and green curries. Wang Brothers' signature dish is a homemade green prawn curry. The dish includes fresh tiger prawns coated lightly with flour and deep fried. The dish is then sauteed in a hot wok with onions, scallions, celery and chili peppers. The dish's most alluring characteristic is the mouth watering fragrance of fried eggs. The heat level is professionally controlled and with expert timing the prawns and eggs bind together perfectly. The signature dish is a must, when visiting Wang Brothers' Thai City.

Ya Ho Thai Foods

雅禾Ya Ho Thai Foods Located near Kaohsiung's Fine Arts Museum, Ya Ho Thai Food is a new establishment dedicated solely to Thai cuisine. However, although it is a new restaurant, it is headed up by a veteran Thai chef, Ann. Anne originally hails from central Thailand and is married to a Taiwanese man. Ann now shares the culinary delights of her homeland with Kaohsiung.

 One of the main characteristics central to Thai food is a dash of refreshing sweetness with a predominately hot and sour sauce base. This delicious combination has delighted local patrons. Ann is an expert at cooking with herbs and every dish is turned into a unique Southeast Asian culinary experience. She believes the secret to Thai cuisine is the highlighting of natural sweetness and spices that come from the ingredients. Ann emphasized,"Thai food is not just about hot and sour".

 Central Thai food is slightly on the sweet side, and only mildly spicy. Chef Ann's signature dish, Crispy Striped Bass with Thai Tamarind Sauce is one of the most common dishes in her hometown. Tamarind sauce uses tamarind fruit as the base. After the tamarind fruit has been fermented it divulges a unique fragrant sourness. The taste resembles a local Taiwanese sauce made with blackened dried plums. It is this Tamarind sauce that creates the sour flavor that is so predominant in Thai cooking. The Crispy Striped Bass dish features a whole striped bass, fried until crispy and topped with tamarind sauce. The sweet and sour flavor of tamarind sauce and crunchy fried fish is a dish that will never cease to delight your taste buds.


泰國料理 新泰城&雅禾




新泰城Wang Brothers' Thai City 高雄市早期泰國餐廳大多是緬甸華僑開的,由於緬甸靠近雲南,因此,菜色多少帶點緬甸和雲南風味,「新泰城」就是這類型泰國餐廳的代表。







  Restaurant Information:

  Wang Brothers' Thai City
    Address: No.231, Chenggong 1st Rd., Kaohsiung City
    Tel: 07-2515187
    Business hours: 11:00~14:30, 17:00~22:00

  Ya Ho Thai Food
    Address: No.143, Cinghai Rd., Gushan District,  Kaohsiung City
    Tel: 07-5226639
    Business hours: 11:00~14:00, 17:00~21:00


