



Taiwan wins the silver at Kaohsiung's 2008 International Air Sports Competition / 2008國際飛行運動暖身賽──熱烈登場 台灣奪銀

Taiwan wins the silver
at Kaohsiung's 2008 International Air Sports Competition

◎Text by Kuan-Chun Chen

 The 2008 International Air Sports Competition, held at Kaohsiung's Metropolitan Park on July 20th and 21st, wowed spectators with participants' amazing skydiving skills. Air Sports includes two events, landing accuracy and 2-Way Canopy Formation. In order to present these types of events, co operation must come from the military to lift the air space ban during the competition. Former Army Airborne Brigade Sky Diving Team Capitan, Li-Fan Wang, explained because it is so difficult to organize such an event, it was a great for local residents to get a chance to witness it.

 The landing accuracy competition involves skydivers jumping from 3500 feet, with the aim to land on a fifty centimeter scoring pad. Skydivers are judged on their landing accuracy and their proximity to the center of the land pad. Each skydiver is allocated six attempts and final ranking is based on jumper's accumulated score. The nineteen skydivers who participated in the 2008 International Air Sports Competition came from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Taiwan. Chief of the Aero Sports Association of Kaohsiung, Syue-Ming Li added it is an unwritten rule that audiences should remain silent when divers are approaching the scoring pad in order to avoid distraction or any other unnecessary interference.

在定點著陸競賽頒獎,美國隊William Beaudreau奪得冠軍,亞軍由我國彭勇智獲得,季軍則由加拿大隊的女性跳傘好手Dana Sasarean獲得。(攝影:江戶川明)Gold medalist William Beaudreau (Center) of US, silver medalist Yong-Zhi Peng (R) of Chinese Taipei and bronze medalists Dana Sasarean (L) of Canada awarded at the landing accuracy Ceremony.(Photo by Ming Jiang) Taiwan's skydiver Yong-Zhi Peng (of the Army Airborne Brigade Sky Diving Team), landed the silver in the accuracy event. Peng landed out of bounds on his last jump, rendering the gold to the U.S. team. Peng had actually been leading the US participant Beaudreau throughout his first five jumps. It is speculated, had he rendered ten points on his sixth jump he would have defeated Beaudreau and won the gold.

 Four teams participated in the 2-Way Canopy Formation event. Teams came from Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan and the United States. The U.S. team also won the gold in this event, with Australia taking the silver and New Zealand the bronze. In this event participants compete in groups of three. These groups include two skydivers and a photographer. Skydivers dive from 6000 feet and demonstrate a skydiving routine that must last within the allocated time of sixty seconds. Teams are scored on their routines and ability to stay within the designated timeframe.

Skydiving and Air Sports 
Skydiving and air sports are extreme sports and were founded by Frenchman Andre Garnerin. His first skydiving attempt was made from a hot-air balloon. Skydivers are not only judged on their ability to control the parachute upon landing, but are also judged on their performance in the sky.


2008國際飛行運動暖身賽──熱烈登場 台灣奪銀


高雄國際飛行運動暖身賽吸引大批民眾觀賞,各國飛行好手也展現絕佳的落地技術,現場民眾驚呼連連。(攝影:鮑忠暉)The 2oo8 International Air Sports Competition wowed spectators with participants' amazing skydiving skills.(Photo by Chung-Hui Pao) 高雄國際飛行運動暖身賽7月20、21日在都會公園舉行,兩天都吸引大批民眾觀賞,各國飛行好手也展現絕佳的落地技術,現場民眾驚呼連連,此次飛行運動暖身賽比賽項目分為定點著陸和雙人疊傘兩項。台灣隊選手、也是國軍神龍小組成員的彭勇智在定點著陸最後一跳可惜出了界外,結果成績小輸美國、與加拿大並列第2,經加跳後鍍銀,也為台灣拿下這次參賽的唯一1面獎牌。

 前5跳彭勇智排名高居第1,居次的是美國隊Beaudreau,第6跳只要跳進電腦計分墊10分內,彭勇智就能篤定奪金 ,不料竟爆出冷門、飛出墊外,後跳的Beaudreau以逸待勞,完美著陸,金牌落袋。


 至於雙人疊傘則有澳洲、紐西蘭、台灣及美國4隊出賽,由美國隊搶下金牌 ,澳洲則拿到第2,第3名由紐西蘭收下。雙人疊傘以3人一組,2人變換動作、1人負責攝影;比賽方式是從6000 英呎的高空跳傘,60秒需完成5個動作為1個循環的指定動作,愈能在時間內完成愈多的正確動作,分數愈高。



飛行運動為極限運動的一種,由法國人Andre Garnerin 參考熱氣球原理所發明出來的運動。參加者搭乘飛機由高空落下,在速度接近250 km/h的三度空間中表演個種高難度動作。Fun和Free跳傘運動中兩項最重要的宗旨。控制降落傘的能力在比賽中是必須的,但並不是最重要的,在跳傘比賽中,空中的動作表演往往是比賽決勝負的關鍵。