



Patrice Coique - Promoting French Culture in Kaohsiung / 法國文化的推手─白克

◎Text by Kuan-Chun Judy Chen ◎Photo by Jizn Zhang

法國文化的推手─白克 Alliance Francaise de Kaohsiung is located in National Sun Yat-sen University's College of Liberal Arts. The association not only provides a variety of French courses but also hosts cultural exchange activities for local Taiwanese and French residents. Director of the Alliance Francaise de Kaohsiung Patrice Coique admits this is his favorite place in Kaohsiung.

 Mr. Coique was born in French Martinique and moved to France as a young adult. In France, he worked as a senior high school teacher until he began traveling the world. When he moved to Taiwan last August he was already familiar with the Chinese language and culture as he had previously studied Chinese in China for two and a half years. Mr. Coique fell instantly in love Kaohsiung as it reminded him of his hometown.

 Mr. Coique believes, although Taiwan and China share the same language and cultural background, there are huge differences between the two. He feels the Taiwanese are friendlier to foreigners and more open to new ideas. He also believes Taiwanese society as a whole is much more modern. Mr. Coique is very much a people person. He chose to live in the New Jyuejiang Shopping Area because he enjoys the bustling and convenient environment. In addition, thanks to having 24-hour convenient stores around the corner throughout the city, Mr. Coique can easily get a fresh beverage from a store even at three o'clock in the morning. He thinks it is amazing.

 He is responsible for the creation of the Eclats de rire Movie Exhibition which he developed in co operation with the Kaohsiung Municipal Film Archive. Mr. Coique and his team worked really hard to accurately translate the films. The movie exhibition introduced a series of French movies. Four of the films had never been previously presented in Taiwan. Mr. Coique feels this has been the work he is most proud of since he moved to Kaohsiung.

Coffee Morning 
◎Text by Agens Lin ◎Photo by Chung-Hui Pao

 Kaohsiung is an international city and over the years it has developed a number of clubs and activities for foreigners to enjoy. Many women accompany their husbands to Taiwan and seek the company of other women for support, information and friendship.  "Coffee Morning" provides such a forum and has been operating in Kaohsiung for over twenty-five years.

 Jan Clifton has recently taken over as the coordinator of the group. Jan arrived in Taiwan five months ago. With the assistance of "Coffee Morning" and its members, Jan has quickly acclimatized to life in Taiwan. She is now so familiar with Kaohsiung she can even show new folks around. Jan has experienced Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival. She has also been to the Love River, Lianchihtan (Lotus Pond), Sizihwan Bay and Kenting...etc. Her eyes brighten when she heard about the jade market on Shihcyuan Road.

 According to Jan, monthly "Coffee Morning" gatherings provide her with the opportunity to catch up with friends, meet new people from all over the world, meet local people and get a greater insight into life in Kaohsiung.  What local people may consider a small task may be gigantic for someone who has just arrived in Taiwan and doesn't speak the language. "Coffee Morning" gives women the chance to get together, swap information and seek assistance from others. They share insight on things like where to shop, buy food, and upcoming cultural activities, leisure activities.

 This is Jan's first time to experience Chinese culture. She's passionate about exploring her new environment and trying new things. Local friends, such as Margie also make life easier.  Jan hopes to increase "Coffee Morning" participation and expand activities. Jan also encourages all the foreign ladies and ladies in Taiwan who have participated in "Coffee Morning" over the years to come once again, so all the members can get to know each other.






Coffee Morning 有緣跨國來相會
◎文/張筧 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉

Coffee Morning 有緣跨國來相會 隨著台灣國際化的腳步,愈來愈多商務人士來到高雄,或許是任務派遺,或許是出差長住,他們大多都希望能夠在最短的時間內融入本地的脈動,讓異鄉的生活,不因為語言、文化的隔閡而感到寂寞。也許是這個理由,Coffee Morning這個由外籍人士組成的小眾聚會才會在南台灣延續了25年這麼久的時間,而最近接手聯絡人的Jan,也因為Coffee Morning成員的協助,在短短的幾個月內Jan L Clifton不但適應了高雄的生活步調,還能充當導覽,帶著新成員趴趴走遊高雄。

 Jan表示透過每個月Coffee Morning的聚會讓她認識了來自不同地方、國籍的朋友,也有認識在地朋友的機會,可以加速認識這個城市的點點滴滴。她表示許多事情對本地人來說的「小事」,但對初來乍到的外國人而言卻是「大事」,他們十分需要彼此的協助,因此Coffee Morning當中大家共同分享各種城市活動的訊息,無論購物、買菜、藝文、休閒,都是大家共同渴望的。

 在高雄五個月的時間,Jan親身體會過中國年、元宵節,足跡走過愛河、蓮池潭、西子灣、墾丁等地,聽到十全路的玉市場,眼睛立刻一亮;也強調透過Coffee Morning的聚會,外藉人土比較容易融入在地的生活,日子也會更加的踏實。

 第一次接觸華人文化的Jan,充滿了探索、嚐試的熱情,再加上在地友人Margie的協助、相伴,展現出愜意的一面,同時更加熱情地推動Coffee Morning的聚會功能,讓這個非組織、非正式的定期聚會更加活躍。Jan同時也發出邀請,希望在過去25年內曾經參與過Coffee Morning 聚會的在台外藉人士趕快現身,讓大家有緣再相聚,特別是創辦這項聚會的朋友如果還在台灣,大家能在Coffee Morning重逢。