



Taiwanese Sculptor Li Chento Hold a Solo Exhibition in the Venice Biennial / 台灣雕塑家李真應邀個展於威尼斯雙年展

◎Text by Fang-Ju Lin

照片提供:亞洲藝術中心 Courtesy of the Asia Art Center The Venice Biennial, which has the reputation of being the "Cultural Olympics" and "the Mother of Biennials", has invited Taiwanese artist Li Chen to hold his solo exhibition - "Energy of Emptiness" in the biennial this year. This invitation marks Li Chen's personal success; moreover, it is the first time that a Taiwanese artist has held a large scale, complete exhibition in an international art event.

 The Venice Biennial, which originated in 1885, is the most important and prestigious visual art exhibition event in the world of contemporary art. It not only leads the world's trend in art, but also creates a dialogue venue for different cultures. It is the highest academic achievement in the world of art.

 Li Chen was born in Yu-Lin, Taiwan. He started his journey of art in his teens. During the long journey of his artistic creations, he never had a chance to pursue advanced study abroad because of his financial situation. Therefore, Li never had any contact with the essence of western art. However, Li immersed himself in the traditions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and the inspiration from these oriental philosophies can be found in his art work. This feature attracts collectors from all over the world.

 On recalling his journey in art, Li said, "After ten years of study, it took me another 10 years to let go of the burden of my own tradition, to transform, and to achieve a breakthrough." Every transformation of Li can be traced in his artwork.

 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts played a vital role in Li's appearance on the international art stage. The candidates of a guest solo exhibition in the Venice Biennial must be recommended by an official academic body or museum of art, before they go through a year-long strict evaluation. The director of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Jiun-Shyan Lee, who admires and collects Li Chen's work, is the hand behind the scene that sent Li Chen onto this international art stage.

 Director Lee said that this is a win-win situation, that Taiwanese art can connect with the international art community and have a chance to shine. Li's work will open the eyes of the world and show the energy, creativity, and depth of Taiwanese artists.

 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts is the first Taiwanese museum of fine arts to be mentioned in official documents and website of The Venice Biennial. 

 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts is the first and only official museum in Taiwan that collects Li Chen's artwork. The museum would not miss any piece of great artwork. It collected a piece of sculpture by Li, Avalokitesvara, which is representative of his wider work. It will be exhibited from the 5th of June in the Museum Square. It is a great chance for the public to admire the creativity of a local artist who was apprised by the international art world.

 From the10th of June, the 15 masterpieces of Li Chen's work, including "Landscape in the Heaven", "Clear Soul", and "All in One", will be exhibited in Venice. People from all over the world will see his thought provoking interpretation of the New Oriental Spirit placed in a western setting.




Taiwanese artist Lee Chen's exhibition- "Energy of Emptiness" was invited to the Venice Biennial from June 10th to November 21st.(Courtesy of the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts) 生於台灣雲林縣的李真,十幾歲就開始接觸藝術。漫長的藝術創作過程中,因為環境關係始終無緣出國留學,接觸西方藝術精髓。不過,卻也意外成就他沈浸在儒、釋、道中,東方哲學精髓轉化為藝術創作泉源在作品中展露無遺,引起國際蒐藏家的注意。



