



Old fashioned "Chiang Che" style restaurants A Review of Siangyu Mansion, Old Jheng Sing, and Tong Mao / 老牌江浙館 祥鈺樓、老正興、統茂

Old fashioned "Chiang Che" style restaurants

A Review of Siangyu Mansion, Old Jheng Sing, and Tong Mao

◎Text by Hsin-Yi Peng
◎Photos by Wei-Ren Yang

 Siangyu Mansion, Old Jheng sing, and Tong Mao are authentic, old fashioned "Chiang Che" style restaurants located in the Kaohsiung area. All highly recommend by locals who enjoy this kind of cuisine.

※Siangyu Mansion

 Siangyu Mansion was recently reopened as a revival of the old fashioned Chiang Che restaurant style. Mr. Jin-Hung Chu also rehired his original staff, so the original clientele could once again enjoy the delicious gourmet they had missed so much.

 Mr. Chu is a native of Shanghai. His father was also a chef. It was because of this influence he too entered the industry. Over the decades, the father and son team have tried their hands at almost every Chiang Che style cooking method. These include: quick fry, stir fry, braise, deep fry, steamed, roasted, clear stew and soy sauce stew. It is no exaggeration these chefs have mastered the art of Chiang Che cuisine.

 One example of Chian Che cuisine and one of Shanghai's most popular appetizers is Kaofu. Kaofu is made of spongy wheat gluten squares. These are fried until it has the appropriate texture and has absorbed a delicious amount of dressing. The little squares relinquish a sweetish taste and a soy sauce that contributes a wonderful flavor.

※Hu Ning Old Jheng Sing

 Old Jheng Sing is the oldest Chiang Che restaurant in Kaohsiung City and was opened more than half a century ago. One of their core values is to uphold the authenticity of Chiang Che cuisine. This persistence has paid off and the restaurant is still going strong. The authenticity of Old Jheng Sing's food continues to receive praise from customers, young and old alike.

 Executive chef, Mr. Chi-Long Hsieh, began as a fifteen year old apprentice. Under the tutelage of an older Shanghainese chef, he learned the secrets to creating authentic Chiang Che cooking and became an expert at presenting the freshest, tastiest and aromatic food. However, that was just the beginning. Over the years he has made various adjustments to his cooking methods. He makes sure his food isn't overly greasy, salty or sweet, short comings Chiang Che chefs are often criticized for. On the menu are all the classic Chiang Che (sometimes referred to as Hu Ning) gourmet dishes Popular dishes include fried eel filet served over mung bean spouts, Wu Hsi style smoked fish and Chen Chiang style cured pork. 

※Tong Mao Chiang Che Seafood Restaurant

 Tong Mao Chiang Che Seafood Restaurant offers a wide rage of food to choose from. The cooking methods are innovative and great efforts are made to change the stereotypical impression of the greasiness of Chiang Che food. Ton Mao offers a large selection of seafood dishes and strives to make the food low in fat, sodium and sugar in order to cater to health-conscious dinners.

 Scallion braised crucian carp (Carassius auratus) is the restaurant's most popular dish and a Chiang Che classic. This dish is made by oil-frying fish in medium heat until it is crispy inside and out. It is then soaked in a special vinegar sauce, which softens the bones so they can be eaten along with the meat. Finally, the fish is cooked in a sauce of rice wine, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce and scallions. This dish is made from almost exclusively female fish. This is because each one holds a full egg pouch, adding to the texture and flavor of this slowly cocked dish.


老牌 江浙館













