



The 2009 International Tour de Taiwan Opening leg in Kaohsiung City / 2009自由車環台公路賽 高雄起跑

The 2009 International Tour de Taiwan

Opening leg in Kaohsiung City

◎Text by Fu-Ju Lin
◎Photos courtesy by Chinese Taipei Cyclists Assocation

 On March 8th, 2009, twenty-three teams, with one hundred fifteen cyclists, from thirty countries and five continents, gathered to participate in the 2009 International Tour de Taiwan. This year the opening lap was held in Kaohsiung City. The cycling event covered a total of 820 km and gave away prizes totaling $1.8 million NTD. Some of the cyclists new to the race this year, came from South Africa. Many spectators came out to cheer on the participants.

 The 2009 International Tour de Taiwan cycling race took place from March 8th to March 14th. The route began at the Love River in Kaohsiung City. From Kaohsiung, they continued on to Chiayi City Hall and Fongtian Temple in Singang Township. They would then continue on to Wunsin Forest Park in Taichung City and Baguashan Mountain in Changhua County. A seventeen-kilometer coastline road would lead them to Hsinchu City. From Hsinchu, they would then head to the ShihSanHang Museum of Archeology, via the Hsinchuang Stadium in Taipei County. The race finished at Taipei City's most famous landmark, the Taipei 101.

 This year, the 2009 International Tour de Taiwan marked its 21st anniversary. Over the past few years, Kaohsiung City has been selected to host the opening leg of the race. The race was covered by ESPN sports network and provided Kaohsiung City with the opportunity for some international exposure. The opening ceremonies were also hosted at the Love River, giving Kaohsiung the chance to present some of its famous landmarks to an international audience. Kai-Chih Lee, Secretary General of the Chinese Taipei Cycling Association, assured Union Cyclists International, competitors had all fulfilled the international qualifications.

 The race kicked off at the Love River's 228 Peace Park. Kaohsiung's part of the race would include forty 2.2 km laps. These laps would take cyclists through the city via Hedong Road, Wufu 4th Road, Dajhih Road, Daren Road, Dayong Road and Jhongjheng 4th Road. Park Seon Ho from South Korea took first place for this leg of the race. Also, during the first leg of the race Bo-Hong Wu from Taiwan dislocated his left wrist in an accident. However, he still finished the entire route and beat all the other Taiwanese participants in this leg of the race. He received a great round of applause when he crossed Kaohsiung's finish line.

 Kaohsiung City has recently increased the length of its bike paths to 150 kilometers. It is also pioneering an urban public bike rental system. This allows people to rent bikes in one place and return them at another. The city government also aims to establish greener transportation systems. Part of this initiative includes allowing passengers to take their bikes with them on the Kaohsiung MRT. Cycling has enjoyed increased popularity in Kaohsiung City, following these efforts to promote the leisure activity. All the participants from this year's race have promised to return to Kaohsiung in 2010 to participate in the International Tour de Taiwan!





 來自全球30個國家、23支隊伍、115 名中外好手齊聚高雄市愛河畔,台灣水準最高,也最具傳統的自行車賽事─2009自由車環台公路賽首站在高雄。今年總里程820公里的環台公路賽,總獎金超過180萬,吸引了23個車隊、百餘名中外好手參加,為一年一度的台灣自行車盛會,尤其是今年加入南非車隊後,首度聚集五大洲,競爭激烈,吸引許多民眾蒞臨觀賽。




