



Light Rail's Kaisyuan Jhonghua and Dream Mall Stations Multitude of Local Delicacies/午後漫遊 ─C4凱旋中華站~C5夢時代站


Light Rail's Kaisyuan Jhonghua and Dream Mall Stations Multitude of Local Delicacies

◎English translation: Hou Ya-ting 

◎Photos by Lan Ciou-huei


  The neighborhood surrounding Kaohsiung's Light Rail station Kaisyuan Jhonghua (C4) is well-known for its variety of eateries. Jiou Jiou Pork Jerky (address: No. 15, Ln. 138, Jhenhua St.,) is located in Cianjhen's Second Public Retail Market. Its specialties include handmade traditional pork jerky and pork floss, which contain no artificial favoring. Cianjhen Street also has a cluster of popular lunchtime eateries, including Cai's Checkered Dried Rice Noodles (address: No. 231, Cianjhen St., Cianjhen Dist.) and Hong Kong-style roasted meats. Another popular eatery is Cianjhen Fired Rice (address: No. 272, Cianjhen St.), which is located near Cianjhen Police Station. Cianjhen Fired Rice uses the popular Taitung, Chihshang Rice. When the rice is fried, it comes out fluffy and golden but not oily.

  Visitors are encouraged to try out Kaohsiung's new light rail system in order to get to the Dream Mall Station, where the next recommended restaurant is located. Head toward Duck Village (address: No. 34, Kuojian 1st Rd.), located at the intersection of Chenggong and Kuojian Roads. It has a large customer base and features three types of duck dishes, including shaved roasted duck, stir fried leftover bones and crispy fried leftover bones. Young customers are especially fond of crunchy crispy fried leftover bones. Duck Village is meticulous about its preparation, including cleaning and marinating the ducks, drying them thoroughly and finally roasting them. The succulent roasted duck comes from a marinade of Thai basil, fried ginger slices and a generous sprinkle of pepper and salt. This can also be customized for each customer's taste preference and is best enjoyed with alcoholic beverages. 

前鎮夜市 Cianjhen Night Market

  Cianjhen Night Market is a great place to sample many types of inexpensive tasty local cuisines. These include fried seafood, wet fried eel noodles, squid pottage soup, cuttlefish noodles, stinky tofu, oyster omelets and shaved ice etc. One of its specialties includes a variety of types duck dishes. Its most famous is duck vermicelli which is served in a slightly sweet soup.

  Another highlight of Cianjhen Night Market is Chen's Eight Treasure Ice stall, at the intersection between Kuojian Rd. and Chenggong Rd.). This desert restaurant was established 43 years ago. Its ingredients are always very fresh and meticulously prepared. Its signature is a dish with chewy, handmade rice-flour balls. The owner also recommends, A-syue Tofu Pudding next door. A-syue features the great summer treat of iced taro. Another popular desert is Cianjhen's Old QQ Noodles (address: No. 134-2, Cianjhen Lane., Cianjhen District). The famous noodles are much loved by local residents.

  There is an abundance of local delicacies to be discovered in Kaohsiung. With Kaohsiung's new Light Rail's Kaisyuan Jhonghua and Dream Mall Stations, it is convenient for visitors to explore the area and provides an opportunity to experience these restaurants and night markets. Take some time to visit this area that is full of culinary delights and sample the local food. It also provides a great chance to get to know local residents and their culture.


午後漫遊 ─C4凱旋中華站~C5夢時代站




陳家八寶冰的糯米湯圓 Chen's Eight Treasure Ice stall's hand-made rice-flour ball desert。前鎮炒飯 Cianjhen Fired Rice  繼續到C5夢時代站,出站就看見夢時代,車水馬龍的馬路旁,倒置的「鹽酥鴨」招牌是鴨家庄,一般北平烤鴨店都是「一鴨兩吃」,採取片鴨加炒鴨骨或鹽酥鴨作法,而老闆娘自豪地說,鴨家庄應該是前鎮區第一家「一鴨三吃」,「一鴨三吃」意指片鴨、骨炒、鹽酥三種料理方式,鴨家庄最特別的是片鴨骨鹽酥作法,把鴨骨拿去炸,營造酥脆口感,可以咬碎品嘗,十分受年輕人歡迎。從鴨肉清洗、醃料、烘乾到現場烘烤,都由店家自己經手,除控管品質,更能依照客人需求調整口味,佐以胡椒鹽、九層塔與炸薑片調味,讓人忍不住一口接一口,非常適合當下酒菜。往前走是農會前規劃整齊的前鎮夜市,有海鮮熱炒、鱔魚麵、魷魚羹、花枝意麵、臭豆腐、蚵仔煎等多樣化的台灣傳統小吃攤位及甜點冰品,不僅平價,店家用料也十分實在。夜市裡還有許多鴨肉料理,像是鴨肉冬粉清爽略帶甜味的湯頭,無論四季都很適合品嘗。

