



Explore Kaohsiung with Hari Kyoko / 哈日杏子的高雄之旅

Explore Kaohsiung with Hari Kyoko

◎English translation: Chen Kuan-chun
◎Photo courtesy Hari Kyoko

 Hari Kyoko (Guei-Sing Chen) was one of the winners of this summer's Backpacker's Diary, Kaohsiung 2011 travel writing contest. Judges felt she stood out from other bloggers due to her delightful descriptions of Kaohsiung, fascinating photos and her wonderful accounts of the people. The well-known blogger is a Taoyuen resident and famous for her great accounts of the cultures she visits. Her blog also provides a bi-lingual commentary, written in both Japanese and Chinese. She believes traveling is all about learning, relaxing and self-discovery. She feels Kaohsiung is the perfect place to relax.
 Kyoko provides a list of places to visit in Kaohsiung. She describes her experiences of riding the Kaohsiung MRT and visiting Lotus Pond and Sizih Bay. She shares about the one day city tour provided by Kaohsiung Tourist Bureau and her visit to Yanchao's mud volcanoes and Jinshan Community. She found Kaohsiung to be very hot and thoroughly enjoyed the local shredded ice delicacy. She also provided suggestions on how to improve the tour, such as attracting more people by making it more foreigner friendly. Another highlight of the tour was the Pier-2 Art Centers, and she was impressed by the fact that it was remodeled from an old harbor warehouse. She also enjoyed one of the art exhibitions and noticed it was particularly popular with the younger generation.

 To learn more about Hari Kyoko's Kaohsiung experience,  
 Go to blog site: http://harikyoko.wordpress.com/


◎文/侯雅婷 ◎照片提供/陳桂杏

 對日本文化有濃厚興趣的陳桂杏,以「哈日杏子」(Hari Kyoko)為筆名,在眾多部落客中,闖出一片天。居住在北台灣的哈日杏子為旅遊作家,此次杏子入選高雄市政府新聞局舉辦的2011夏日高雄活動「背包客日記」,隨著杏子部落格中豐富的圖片呈現,加上以中文與日文兩種語言並用,將高雄的有趣、美好分享給更多朋友。
 出發前總做足功課的杏子,規劃了自己最想參觀的高雄。杏子搭乘捷運在高雄走透透,足跡遍及著名的左營蓮池潭 、西子灣,也參加了高雄市政府觀光局的「一日觀光巴士」,因而踏上了燕巢泥火山和金山社區之旅;杏子說她在蓮池潭感受到高雄太陽的熱情,她說在很熱的高雄,讓她感覺吃碗剉冰是件很幸福的事;而體驗了一日巴士之遊後,她則建議一日巴士如果能開發成為外地遊客或外國人專有的旅行套裝行程,推廣高雄觀光應更能精準的吸引外地遊客。由舊倉庫改造而成的駁二藝術特區是整趟旅程中杏子最喜愛的景點,杏子很驚訝地發現,原來高雄也有像駁二藝術特區這麼棒的地方!結合文創、藝術與文化,當地終年不斷的藝文特展 ,使得駁二藝術特區格外受到年輕族群的歡迎

 ♦ 哈日杏子部落格


Dr. Douglas Henry's Medical Training in Kaohsiung

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photo courtesy of Douglas Henry

  October 8th 2011, among thirteen Guatemalan specialists arrived in Kaohsiung, radiologist of five years Dr. Douglas Henry came with his anesthesiologist wife, Ileana Saenz. They have come to Kaohsiung to participate in a special training course at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. The year-long training began in 2011 and is part of a medical diplomacy initiative. The program was established in September 2010 when Chang Gung Memorial Hospital's Superintendent Mr. Chen Chao Long M.D. went to help in a free clinic in Guatemala. While there, he was informed of Guatemala's aspirations to establish a national organ transplant center. Subsequently he offered a training course for medical specialists, which has since been received with great appreciation by the Guatemalan government. Twenty specialists in total will be trained, with the first thirteen already studying kidney transplants.
  Dr. Henry states he has been very impressed by the size and setup of the hospital and feels his interactions with the local people have been very positive. He feels people have been very kind and often go out of their way to help, even when they don't speak English. He exclaims, "Kaohsiung is more magnificent than I had imagined", admiring its beauty and well-developed infrastructure.
  The team are taking the training very seriously and very devoted to the work. He takes eight-hour training and does another two to three hours of review at home in the evenings. "It's demanding" he says and leaves them very little time to explore Kaohsiung. However, he enjoys life here and has embraced the local cuisine. In response to his favorite food, he answers "fried rice" in perfect Mandarin. While in Taiwan he plans to take full advantage of the training and hopes to get the opportunity to see more of this beautiful country.

Douglas Henry在高雄展開醫療特訓

◎文/侯雅婷 ◎照片提供/ Douglas Henry

    瓜地馬拉籍的Douglas Henry於今年10月8日至高雄長庚醫院特訓,在瓜國於放射診斷科領域執業5年的他,此次與其他12名各醫學領域專業醫師,共同入選瓜國派駐高雄長庚醫院學習,這之中也包括了Douglas的太太麻醉科醫師Ileana Saenz,高雄長庚醫院希望能藉由這樣的醫學合作計劃,協助瓜國建立國家移植中心團隊。
    專注於特訓課程的Douglas表示,每天8小時的課程,相當具挑戰性,回家還會再研究2~3小時,因此,還沒有太多時間探索高雄。但他很滿意在高雄的生活,也很習慣高雄的飲食,當被問起最喜歡的食物,出乎意料的,Douglas 以標準的中文說:炒飯。