



Grouper Fish Farming Industry in Yongan District / 永安區石斑魚產業

 Grouper Fish Farming Industry in Yongan District

◎English translation: Marie Pelchat
◎Photos courtesy of Pao Chung-hui, Tsai Yi-jen, Information Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government

 Kaohsiung City's fish farming areas include Yongan, Mituo, Zihguan, Linyuan and Jiading Districts. In 1976, Yongan began producing firm and tasty grouper and today is the largest in the area, with over 1,000 hectares of fish farms. 1986 marked the beginning of the giant grouper industry. Grouper is a ground fish and is usually only visible during feeding time. Grouper brings great economic value to the region and last year Yongan's fishing industry was responsible for almost 70% of the city's fish production. As the 11th Grouper Festival will soon begin, this event held annually has allowed Yongan District to be associated with grouper in people's minds, earning it the title of "Home of the Grouper."
 Fish farming in Yongan District is a family business with every member of the household getting involved. This has resulted in a number of small fish farming villages springing up in the area. In 2002, Kaohsiung City Animal Protection Office set up an Inspection Station for Aquatic Diseases, in order to ensure high quality fish. Su You-chia is a fish farmer with over 35 years' experience and he feels the station has greatly benefited local grouper farmers with an approximate reduction of NT$100 million in annual losses.
 Su You-chia believes water quality management is the key to raising high quality grouper. In 2003, the Council of Agriculture, Fisheries Agency began promoting the High-Quality Farm Certification. Aerial photographs are taken of all fish farms in Taiwan and subsequently assigned a number. The Fisheries Agency also subsidizes fish farmers' stock, feeding, pH level tests etc. Farmers must make daily records and in order to guarantee transparency, post them on the internet. Su You-chia is a certified fish farmer and points out experienced farmers should always monitor the color of water and appetite of the fish.
 In order to avoid flooding and a subsequent economic loss, Yongan District needs the government's assistance in building a high-quality drainage system. After signing the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), demand for live fish exports has increased. Fish farmers hope the government will continue to work with China in establishing appropriate quarantine procedures recognized by both sides and protect the fishing industries in the region.
 Giant grouper farmer Chen Wen-ke also emphasizes water quality management. Raising giant grouper is basically the same as raising regular grouper except giant grouper feed needs at least two years to mature, resulting in additional economic risk. Chen Wen-ke says there is certainly a market for 20-pound giant grouper, but prices are even better for the 30-pound fish. During the past two years prices for giant grouper have been maintained at approximately NT$ 270 per pound.
 With the development of Yongan's grouper industry, relevant and supporting industries have also prospered. Su Kuo-tai is the General Manager of Sun Young Frozen Food Co. Ltd. He feels transporting live fish is still challenging and therefore Sun Young Frozen Foods has created a -45 C rapid freezing technology and distributed them to local fish farmers who have acquired the Aquaculture Farmer Traceability Certification. His company has become the first processing company in Taiwan to obtain a CAS/Ubiquitous Taiwan Traceability Agricultural Product (UTAP) certification. Chief of Yongan District Huang Shun-yi believes these processing companies are extremely beneficial to the industry and helpful in ensuring farmers will not lose their investment, even when market prices are low.
 The Yongan Fishermen's Association and District Office regularly organize workshops in order to bring new knowledge and assistance to grouper farmers. They support the development of more sophisticated techniques and ideas, guaranteeing consumers are enjoying high quality grouper.

  ♦ 2011 Youngan Grouper Festival   ‧November 26-27 



◎文/侯雅婷、蔡乙甄 ◎照片提供/鮑忠暉、蔡乙甄、高雄市政府新聞局

 高雄市沿海地區的養殖重鎮包含有永安區、彌陀區、梓官區、林園區及茄萣區,其中,高經濟價值的石斑魚以永安區產量最大。去年,永安區石斑魚產量佔全市總產量約七 成,而即將邁入第11屆的石斑魚節,隨著活動的舉辦也讓永安區「石斑魚之鄉」的印象深植人心。
 因石斑魚為底棲性魚類,所以除餵養時間之外,養殖水面並不會看見石斑魚的身影。有35 年老經驗的養殖戶蘇有甲表示,養殖高品質的石斑魚,關鍵在於水質的管理。漁業署於2003年開始推動「優良養殖場」制度,即現在「產銷履歷認證」的前身,於全台魚塭均有空照圖且予以編號,漁業署補助養殖戶,從魚苗的放養、餵食、檢測pH值等過程均需每日登錄、上傳,養殖管理流程透明化。蘇有甲即為具水產生產履歷認證的養殖戶之一,他表示,有經驗的養殖戶除了觀察水質顏色以及魚的食慾之外,養殖之初也必須採購健康魚苗。

  ♦ 2011永安石斑魚節   ‧11月26日~27日 



Fish waiting to see the doctor
Yongan's Aquatic Animal Diseases Inspection Station

◎English translation: Marie Pelchat
◎Photos courtesy of Kaohsiung City Animal Protection Office

 When Yongan Aquatic Animal Diseases Inspection Station opens at 9 am, local fish farmers bring in their sick fish by the bucket load. The buckets are lined up by the door in accordance with their assigned number and farmers complete their registration form. The veterinarians then test the various buckets' water and ask questions while dissecting the diseased fish. They examine pathological changes in gills, body surface and internal organs. Virus tests are also carried out and recommendations are made based on the results.
 Sometimes more complex tests are carried out at the Kaohsiung City Animal Protection Office in Fongshan. The Animal Protection Office Inspection Station was set up in order to assist local fish farmers and provide them with water quality testing kits which assist in tracking changes. Grouper diseases include viral nervous necrosis, iridovirus and cryptocaryon irritans. Currently there are no treatments for viral infection, often resulting in great economic loss. The veterinarians can only provide early diagnosis, make recommendations on breeding rates, improve water quality and environment. In the case of bacterial infections, medications are administered in accordance with regulations. The veterinarians remind fish farmers to respect regulations relevant to medication. In addition, the Animal Protection Office will remind that dead fish must be disposed of properly in order to avoid the spread of disease.
 The Inspection Station's workload has been overwhelming. In 2010, it dealt with 4,500 cases and by the beginning of October 2011 it had already dealt with 4,100 cases. In September 2011, the Animal Protection Office opened its second Inspection Station in Linyuan District. Fish farmers and the District Office all praise the professionalism of the veterinarians, and recognize that the Inspection Station for Aquatic Animal Diseases is an important driving force behind the development of the grouper fish farming industry of Yongan District.

永安區水產動物檢疫站 工作紀實

◎文/侯雅婷 ◎照片提供/鮑忠暉、動物保護處
