



Greatest King-Napoleon's Articles on Exhibition in Kaohsiung 王者之王─拿破崙大展 高美館展出

 Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the greatest figures in history. In addition to his short sleeping hours, his stature, physical strength and achievements continue to be discussed. This exhibition offers southern residents a rare opportunity to get up close and personal with the legend.

 People always hold mixed views towards Napoleon. Some consider him a dictator, and others laud his contribution to arts and institutions. In this exhibition, people in Taiwan can take a closer look at Napoleon's life from an objective perspective.

 Director of KMFA Hsiao Tsung-huang notes that the event is not intended to glorify Napoleon, but to offer an insight into the achievements of European cultures, arts, institutions and legal codes during his reign.

 This exhibition presents 192 items that reflect diversified art forms during late 18th century and early 19th century, including portraits and wardrobe of Napoleon, statues of his family, Josephine's robe, and a large carpet embroidered with letter N. Crimson tapestries are put up in the exhibition hall to underscore the royal dignity once enjoyed by the emperor.

 The event is organized by the China Times Group and sponsored by Kaohsiung City Government and Council for Cultural Affairs with items loaned from the Musee National des Chateaux de Malmaison. It will last until March 3, 2002 and include a series of speeches and activities to guide visitors into Napoleon's world. Please call (07) 5550331 for exhibition information, and (07) 5530447 for tickets.




  「王者之王─拿破崙大展」是國內第一次完整呈現拿破崙一生事蹟的歷史文物與藝術展覽,192 件珍貴展品,蘊含十八世紀末、十九世紀初多元藝術丰采,有拿破崙肖像畫、家族雕像、作工精緻的約瑟芬長袍、拿破崙生前衣物、世上僅存一件精繡「N」字的大地毯,展場有象徵皇室雍容典雅的深紅絲絨布簾,營造拿破崙生前不可一世的皇權尊嚴。
