



Italian Ice Cream in Kaohsiung/義式冰淇淋在高雄

Italian Ice Cream in Kaohsiung
◎Written by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photos by Jessica Lin

 Ice cream has become an increasingly popular treat in Kaohsiung. Several new, creatively
decorated ice cream parlors have opened around the city, introducing exciting new ice cream flavors. Italian gelato has also gained popularity. This article will take a closer look at this frozen treat and a couple of great local places it can be enjoyed. ※Gelato Mumbo Jumbo Style
 Mumbo Jumbo has a colorful European decor with a tranquil, elegant atmosphere. The owner, a graduate of National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, is a true master of this Italian desert. With the combination of professional training and a passion for frozen desserts, Mumbo Jumbo is a great place to enjoy delicious homemade gelatos.
 Gelato is defined as a frozen desert containing 8% or less butterfat. All Mumbo Jumbo's frozen desserts meet this criterion, making its desserts considerably lighter than other ice creams. Signature dish "The Cosmopolitan", is named after the favorite cocktail of hit TV show characters from "Sex and the City". Served in martini glasses, the Cosmopolitan is a pinkish concoction exuding seductive citrusy fragrances, topped with a scoop of fat-free lemon sorbet. This refreshingly sweet-tart combination makes it one of the most popular items at Mumbo Jumbo.
 Mumbo Jumbo is a smaller sized ice-cream parlor and only displays twelve flavors of gelato at one time. Every day different flavors are offered. Some flavors are extremely popular and are often sold out before the end of the day. These flavors are then replaced with different flavors, taking days before the flavor comes around again. Some of the more popular flavors include Earl Gray gelato and owner's favorite, Rum Raisin. However, It is the luck of the draw what flavors are available each day.
※King Gelato
 King Gelato offers ice cream that is sure to put a smile on anyone's face, offering more than twenty flavors of gelatos to choose from. The brightly decorated King Gelato makes customers feel they are at an ice cream parlor in a small Italian town.
 While living in Australia, the owner met an Italian chef who taught him the art of making Gelato. Ingredients are imported from Australia, using only the best quality and natural ingredients, producing a low fat gelato. The most popular gelato is the Maraschino Cherry. Each spoonful brings the delicious taste of milk and ripe cherries.
 Whereas Gelatos are dairy-based, King Gelato also makes several sorbets using local fruits and produce. The carrot-lemon sorbet, presents a surprisingly refreshing combination of flavors. There are also various sundaes and a made-to-order waffle basket on the menu. King Gelato guarantees delicious treats  and a good time.


※Mumbo Jumbo 義大利創意手工冰淇淋
  安靜而優雅的Mumbo Jumbo令人感覺彷彿置身歐洲街道。老闆畢業於高雄餐旅學院,憑著專業知識以及對冰淇淋的熱情,變化出許多令人驚喜的冰淇淋饗宴。
 在義大利政府的法規中有明文規定,乳脂含量在8% 以下的才能稱為「義大利冰淇淋」,因此在Mumbo Jumbo吃到的冰淇淋都相當清爽無負擔,其中最引人注目的,應算是結合冰淇淋與雞尾酒的「柯夢波丹」了。伏特加和蔓越梅汁調和而成的「柯夢波丹」,是在「慾望城市」影集中最受女主角青睞的調酒,本身就散發著柑橘香,店家巧妙地加上一球不含乳脂肪的檸檬雪酪 (Sorbet),引出了清新酸甜的滋味,盛裝於高腳杯內顏色鮮豔的調酒和飄浮在上面的白色冰淇淋,呈現絕佳搭配,是店裏最受矚目的冰品之一。
※King Gelato
 走進King Gelato,不論大人小孩肯定都會開心不已。冰箱裡二十多種口味的冰淇淋,色彩繽紛奪目;店裏每面牆不但有著明亮的顏色,還裝飾著種滿花草盆栽的門窗,很有義大利小鎮的感覺。由於老闆之前曾在澳洲定居的地緣關係,這裡的冰淇淋口味和配方都是來自澳洲的義大利師傅親自傳授,不但延續義式冰淇淋的低脂,許多材料也是店家從澳洲進口,因此吃起來特別道地,像是這裡的人氣口味酒釀櫻桃冰淇淋,就散發自然醇厚的獨特風味。
 除了用新鮮牛奶作基底的冰淇淋,使用本地生產的水果製成的雪酪也頗受好評,像是紅蘿蔔檸檬吃起來就新鮮感十足。而各種組合的聖代、現點現作的花籃餅乾等,都讓在King Gelato裡頭的冰淇淋時光更加豐富!