



Kaohsiung's Maritime Economy and Cultural Events/2010高雄海洋博覽會暨遊艇展

Kaohsiung's Maritime Economy and Cultural Events
◎Written by Lin Fang-ju
◎Photos Courtesy of Pao Chung-hui, Marine Bureau

 Kaohsiung is a sunny, beautiful harbor city, with an economy that has been largely based on its various maritime industries. Container shipping, deep-sea fishing and ship and yacht manufacturing are some of Kaohsiung's largest sources of GDP. Therefore, some of Kaohsiung's most popular events reflect this maritime culture. Kaohsiung's Maritime Expo and Yacht Show, has been held annually since 2004. This year's Maritime Expo and Yacht Show took place from August 6th to 9th at Glory Pier and Love Pier. The expo is the city's most distinguished summer event. Displays included naval vessel Lafayette, several vessels from the Coast Guard Administration and a large luxurious yacht, exemplifying Kaohsiung's sophisticated yachting industry. Displays attracted long lineups and visitors were impressed by Kaohsiung's modern harbor.
 April 2010 kicked off several international events hosted by Kaohsiung City Government. These included the "2010 Sailing Boat Camp", "The 2010 Kaohsiung International Keelboat Regatta", "The 2010 International Maritime Forum", "The Kaohsiung Innovative Seafood Cuisine Expo" and "The Kaohsiung Maritime Expo and Yacht Show".
 According to Marine Bureau's statistics, fifteen out of thirty yacht manufacturing companies in Taiwan are located in Kaohsiung city. This contributes to 65% of the yachting industry's total national output. 80% of Taiwan's yachting industry is located in the Kaohsiung City and County region. With the upcoming county city merge, it is hoped the yachting industry will also be consolidated under one authority. This consolidation would include a land expansion project. Many of the construction yards are not actually located on the waterfront and the project would be implemented to save time and costs incurred transporting newly constructed yachts to the port. Related industries such as hardware, components and equipment would also be consolidated into one area.
 In 2009, Kaohsiung City Government opened an exclusive pier for yacht launches. The next phase will include a 113 hectare "Yacht Manufacturing Zone". This "Nansing Plan" will lay out upstream, midstream and downstream companies associated with the yachting industry and consolidate them into one area. This zone is designed to include low-carbon, solar-powered waterfront yards and launching facilities for up to 120-foot yachts. Kaohsiung will also leverage its maritime and aviation resources, utilize its wide roads and highways to increase manufacturing efficiency and lower transportation costs. It is also hoped it will position Greater Kaohsiung as Asia's largest luxury yacht manufacturing hub. Construction of the "Yacht Manufacturing Zone" is expected to be completed by the end of 2014.


 海洋局表示,全國共有31家遊艇業者 ,高雄市就有15家,幾近於半數且產值占全國的65%,而高雄縣市遊艇公司總產值更佔全國近8成,因此高雄在整個遊艇產業扮演領頭羊的角色,未來高雄縣市合併後,市府亦將積極建構轄內遊艇產業聚落的形成。
 市政府有感於現有遊艇廠腹地不足,擴廠困難,以及多數船廠未臨水岸,新建造遊艇需經長途陸路運輸到港邊下水 ,此外,遊艇製造相關之五金、零件、設備等產業分散各地,致無法降低生產成本,形成產業聚落,故繼2009年年底完工啟用的遊艇專用下水碼頭後,市政府在南星計畫規劃113公頃「遊艇產業專區」,在專區內,整合遊艇業之上、中、下游廠商,並建構以太陽能發電之低碳產業園區,足以建造120呎以上巨型遊艇之臨港廠房及下水設施,並透過高雄海空雙港的優勢及寬敞的聯外道路 ,提高製造效率並降低運輸成本,產生台灣遊艇工業的群聚效應,期發展高雄成為亞洲豪華遊艇製造中心,該「遊艇產業專區」預計於2014年底完工。