



Shoushan Nature Park A Trip with Excitement and Natural Fun / 充滿驚奇與野趣的壽山自然公園之旅

◎Text by Kuan-Chun Judy Chen ◎Photos by Chung-Hui Pao, Kun-Hai Lin & Wun-Hua Li

Guide: Kun-Hai Lin, Chairman of the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society

密毛魔芋 Taiwan Titan Arum If you would like to get close to nature, Shoushan is the best place to go. Shoushan, a coral mountain, is located in southwestern Kaohsiung next to Sizihwan Bay. With the largest area of green land in Kaohsiung, Shoushan is Kaohsiung citizens' favorite natural spot.  Shoushan not only has tourist spots like the Martyrs' Shrine and the zoo, it also possesses a rich variety of trees and creatures, which attract many nature observation lovers. For example, members from the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society have been observing birds here for a long time and have been holding guided tours regularly in the hopes of introducing this biological treasure to the public.

 Chairman Lin says that it's very easy to spot cute animals on Shoushan, such as the well-known Formosa Macaque and various birds from the Timaliidae family, especially in the early morning. The Gray-cheeked Fulvetta, which has a white circle around the eyes, or the streak-breasted Scimitar babbler with white eyebrows, are very lively and love to play with tourists. In addition, you might be able to see the Taiwan Hwa-mei, which has weathered-leaf colored feathers and a very nice voice. If you hear a rustle, it might be the Taiwan Hwa-mei foraging in the grass. Don't forget to keep an eye on the ground while walking down the wooden footway; you may see the green Emerald Dove taking a walk with you!

 Plants here on Shoushan are incredible too. Every year around April, when the rain season starts, the notorious Taiwan Titan Arum (Amorphophallus hirtus R. Br.) start to flower and the unique aroma is hard to miss. Paper Mulberry, a dioecious plant, flowers in April and July. Its A Trip with Excitement and Natural Fun oblong male flowers pollinate the globular female flowers and the flowers mature into a fruit. You can also see the translucent fruit of the Dendrocnide along the way.

      Chairman Lin recommends visitors take the north entrance behind the Longquan Temple. Shortly after the entrance, the Makatao historical site Creek Shell Mound will be in view. If you continue along the footway, you can take a rest and enjoy the sky at the silt filtration plant, which was built for mining. You might also be able to see Crested Serpent Eagles and Crested Goshawks spiraling in the sky.

 Passing the silt filtration plant is a quiet path surrounded by Arenga. On the wooden bridge, you will see many little crabs crawling on the riverbed. Taking the left turn of the fork leads to the Rest Set where you can enjoy the ocean view and tea provided by local climbers (bring your own cup). Animals such as monkeys, squirrels and Gray-cheeked Fulvettas will be playing around you or even with you.

 If you decide to go straight at the fork, the Scenery Deck will come to sight first, where you can enjoy the view of Lotus Pond, Banping Mt. and Turtle Mt. Keep walking and you will see a big fig tree surrounded by many arums. Shiaupingding is another tourists' favorite. Many monkeys are jumping around the big and beautiful soap nut tree. However, for their protection, please do not feed them. Passing Monkey Rock from Shiaupinding, the road will form a circle and take you back to the Rest Set.

 Chairman Lin reminds us that a small section of Shoushan is still military-restricted and visitors can't trespass. Therefore, it would be safer to follow the wooden footway to prevent getting lost or injured. Keep that in mind and a wonderful nature tour awaits you!

◎文/林昀熹 ◎攝影/李文化.林崑海.鮑忠暉


翠翼鳩 Emerald Dove 壽山上除了忠烈祠、動物園等景點,豐富的林相與生物種類更吸引了許多熱愛生態觀察的人士。像是高雄鳥會的愛鳥人士不但長期觀察壽山中的鳥類,也常不定期舉辦生態導覽活動,帶領社會大眾深入探訪這座基因寶庫。




繡眼畫眉 Gray-cheeked Fulvetta 過了攔砂壩往裡走,兩排茂密的山棕使得景觀相當幽靜;在接下來的木橋上,雨後可以看到許多小螃蟹穿梭溪流間;前面的叉路上,往左可到「雅座」,在這裡看海,還可以享用山友提供的茶水(建議自備茶杯),許多猴子、松鼠、繡眼畫眉等小動物穿梭其間,甚至與人互動,相當有趣。

