



A Kiosk for foreigners - the Information Centre/外籍人士的驛站─英語服務的 Information Center

A Kiosk for foreigners - the Information Centre   
By Ling-Wei Hsu

  Kaohsiung City's first tourist Information Centre faces the Botanical Garden and the entrance of the "Metropolis Forest Bathing Area" on Chongde Road. A round-shaped building which was previously used as the security office of the Bureau of Human Resource Development has been turned into a multi-functional information centre courtesy of the Kaohsiung City Government. The fences have been removed and an area has been opened for people to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee. Furthermore, the building is also being used as an information centre for foreigners living in Kaohsiung.

  The Information Centre provides wireless internet connection, and both a Chinese and English service about living, travelling and learning opportunities in Taiwan. With a glass floor, and an abundance of natural sunlight, the Information Centre is a very cosy environment to both read and enjoy a meal. On the wall is an array of information relating to discounts or activities of the shops and restaurants that have been opened by foreigners. Moreover, there are books in different languages which are available for the public to borrow. The Information Centre predominantly serves as a non-profiting place whereby foreigners can meet friends and exchange information.
  When the surrounding residents of the information centre are tired of hiking, or when the children are finished school, the place serves as a convenient location to go to for a cup of coffee or a chat with international volunteers. However, more than just a place to relax, it provides people with an excellent opportunity to improve their English speaking ability, which was one of the prime considerations when planning its opening.

-◆-  Loving Kaohsiung - Melissa Wriston
  Melissa, who comes from Canada, is a volunteer at the newly-opened information centre and who also played an important role in the planning and designing stages of the centre. Melissa's work is quite unique compared to the majority of other foreigners who find themselves in teaching jobs when they arrive in Taiwan - she provides other foreigners with a critical information link about life in Kaohsiung.

  Melissa's favourite place in Kaohsiung is Cijin. Different from fast-paced urban lifestyle, the coast and hills of Cijin are the best places for Melissa to relax. During late afternoon or early evening, Melissa likes to climb to the top of the hill at Cijin where she can overlook Kaohsiung Port and watch the colours of the sky change from orange to grey as the sun sets over Kaohsiung City. Melissa said, "Kaohsiung is more beautiful at night than during the day".

  Melissa arrived in Kaohsiung at the beginning of 2002, at a time when "Urban Spotlight" didn't exist. During the last three years, the Kaohsiung City Government has changed the city at a rapid pace; of which the beautifying of the parks and public spaces has surprised Melissa the most. Melissa also likes walking along the banks of Love River and looking at the colourful lights reflecting off the water; a view she admits is the most romantic one of Kaohsiung City.

  When asked about the night markets, Melissa said that she thinks they are very interesting places and she often calls friends to go to the night markets with her. She likes the fruits of Taiwan due to their abundant variety, tasty flavour, and cheap price. She said, "having a glass of fruit smoothies in the summer is a sure way of fighting off the heat".

 Information Center
801 Chongde Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

 外籍人士的驛站─英語服務的 Information Center   文/許玲瑋
  位於崇德路上、正對原生植物園,都會森林浴場入口的Information Center,是高雄市第一座旅遊服務中心。

  圓形建築物原為公教人力發展局的警衛室,改裝後以策略聯盟的方式與民間企業結合,成為一座多功能的Information Center。打破公部門的藩籬,Information Center去除圍牆,開放公共空間給市民的一個喝咖啡、聊天用餐的休憩據點;也提供一座外國友人在高雄的資訊交流平台。

  Information Center提供了無線上網和各項生活、旅遊、學習機會等中英文諮詢服務。擁有大片落地窗的Information Center,陽光和森林樹蔭灑進窗台,是個非常舒適的閱讀、用餐環境。牆上貼滿了異國料理、外籍台灣人所開設的餐廳、商店等優惠、活動訊息。而窗台下排滿了一整櫃的外文書籍,提供民眾與友人自助式填單借閱,等於是一個外國友人非商業性交流聯誼的集會點。

  對鄰近居民而言,Information Center就像是自家第二個客廳;爬山爬累了、散步走累了、小孩下課了......,相約在Information Center喝杯咖啡,和Information Center的國際志工聊天、分享心情。一方面放鬆平日緊張的情緒,另一方面增進英文對話能力,這也是當初創意發想設置Information Center的效益之一。

  來自加拿大的Melissa Wriston,擁有親切爽朗的笑容,是Information Center的專任志工,一路參與Information Center的規劃與設計迄今。和一般駐臺、定居在台的外國友人不同的是,Melissa是位「提供外國友人觀光與高雄相關資訊」的外國友人。



