



Hands that build the "Great Green Wall" / 築起綠色長城的雙手

Hands that build the "Great Green Wall"
Text by Joanna Photos by Jung-Hui Pao

  To create a complete and abundant ecosystem, the Kaohsiung City Government has considered the ecological elements of the city in its planning and development. The plan is to connect the parks, green fields, and ecologically protected areas. The plan includes the following areas: northern Kaohsiung to Nanzih Yuanjhong Harbor Wetland, Banping Mountain, Jhouzih Wetland, Benhe Village Retention Pond, and Neiweipi Natural Park to name just a few. Banping Mountain, Turtle Mountain, Chai Mountain, Botanical Garden, Neiweipi Natural Park, and the parks along Love River are showing the fruits of the above mentioned ecological plan. This provides greater areas for birds and insects to fly and live in safety.
  There is a group of volunteers working diligently behind the construction of this "Great Green Wall"; namely the Takao Hill Association, the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society (KWBS), Wetland Taiwan, and the Love River Association for Culture and Ecology.

-◆-  Takao Hill Association
  Takao Hill Association was established in 1992 with the aim of protecting and maintaining Chai Mountain. All members share the common desire of breathing fresher air, and living a higher quality of life. For years, with the cooperation of mountain climbers, the Takao Hill Association has been observing the ecology of Chai Mountain and working towards preserving the natural look of the mountain. Besides that, they also work on integrating the concepts of ecology with urban planning, which not only revolves around further construction, but also revolves around avoiding destruction of the natural environment during development.
  May 2005 saw the passing of the fifth "Chai Mountain Festival", which ran for one month. The festival included art performances, a guided tour of Chai Mountain, and sketching and painting activities; all with the intention of attracting more people to participate in the preservation and maintenance of Chai Mountain. The Takao Hill Association is going to expand its mission to include protection and preservation of forests throughout Taiwan as well as the development of better water resources.

-◆-  Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society
  Since the establishment of the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society (KWBS) in 1979, many bird lovers and professors have been enjoying sharing with one another what they have learnt about birds. The work of KWBS includes encouraging bird watching, spreading ecological information, providing ecological training courses, and researching plants and insects.

  KWBS has been effectively managing and protecting the wetlands of Kaohsiung. KWBS is now concentrating on "Niaosong Wetland" and the "Man made wetland, which if located near the "Old Bridge over Gaoping River". The work of KWBS volunteers in cooperation with local citizens is helping to create more suitable wetlands for fish, birds and insects.

  Recently, KWBS has been conducting what they call "Ecology Spots" in order to appeal to the community. The main activities held by KWBS include, ecology speeches, training of the ecology tour guides, ecology excursions, and rotating shifts of guided tours around the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Chai Mountian, Niaosong, Yongan, and Jiading Township on Sundays. "Ecology Season" is also a tradition of KWBS: this September and October, KWBS accepted the request of the Bureau of Redevelopment to complete the training tour guides of the "Chai Mountain Ecological Natural Park".

-◆-  Love River Association of Culture and Ecology
  The "Love River Association of Culture and Ecology" was established in 1994, working with locals on attending to Love River, its scenery, and ecological development. Since recently improving the water quality of Love River, the association is now researching the history of Love River in order to raise community awareness.

  Through the work of the "Love River Association of Culture and Ecology", citizens become more aware of this beautiful Kaohsiung landmark. Besides, the association is also encouraging the study of Love River in schools, thus generating awareness amongst the younger generations.

-◆-  Wetland Taiwan, Kaohsiung Branch
  Wetland Taiwan, which has been officially registered for 10 years, works on protecting the ecology of wetlands in Taiwan. It consists of the study of ecology, adopting progressive activities for environmental protection, and coordinating organizational efforts. In 2003, Wetland Taiwan planed the "Pheasant-tailed Jacana Project", which has increased the numbers of Pheasant-tailed Jacana in the Jhouzih Wetland Park.

  The main project of the Kaohsiung branch of Wetland Taiwan is to protect and manage "Jhouzih Wetland Park" in Zouying, as well as to train volunteers to manage the park or to become tour guides. There are about 104 different types of birds congregating at the "Zouying Jhouzih Wetland Park" as well as an abundance of plants, insects, and fish. Starting in 2006, there will be tours of the wetland to allow citizens to experience it first-hand: the tours will be held on the second Saturday of each month.

築起綠色長城的雙手   文/葛蔓 攝影/鮑忠暉


-◇-  高雄市柴山會


-◇-  社團法人高雄市野鳥學會



-◇-  文化愛河協會


-◇-  社區法人台灣濕地保護聯盟高雄分會


★  Takao Hill Association 高雄市柴山會
Address:10th Floor - 3, No. 398, Cihsien 2nd Rd, Cianjin District, Kaohsiung City.

★  Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society 高雄市野鳥學會
Address:12th Floor, No. 189, Linsen 1st Rd, Sinsing District, Kaohsiung City

★  Love River Association of Culture and Ecology 文化愛河協會
Tel: 07-2247612
Address:7th Floor, No. 89 Chungcheng 2nd Rd, Kaohsiung City

★  Wetland Taiwan, Kaohsiung Branch 濕地保護聯盟高雄分會