

Come Some Show!/預知藝文紀事

   Civilization of the Inner Mongolian Steppe 草原文化─內蒙古文物特展
即日起至4/15 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts(高美館)

  More than 400 masterpieces collected by the Museum of Inner Mongolian will come to Taiwan for an exhibition. It presents the relics of ancient peoples of northern China from 8000 years ago to 1840A.C., such as weapons, accessories, vessels, funeral carvings with human and animal figures, hat ornaments, harness, and Kibitka (Mongolian tents).


 A Century of Song 百老匯世紀之音
3/3 19:30 Chih-teh Hall, Cultural Center(文化中心至德堂)
 Bright Broadway Cultural Center has more than 20 experienced and popular singers. This time, they will present Andrew Lloyd Webber and Claude-Michel Schonberg mostly. The audience will forget themselves in the songs from Evita, Cats, the Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon and Les Miserables.


 Salvatore Acardo VS Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra
 Salvatore Acardo, born in Italy, has delved into Nicolo Paganini' works for many years and is said to "perform like Pagnini incarnate." Acardo will visit Taiwan again and play with the Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra this time.


 Turandot 杜蘭朵公主 ─拉脫維亞國家歌劇院
3/17~18 19:30 Chih-teh Hall, Cultural Center(文化中心至德堂)
 After the successful performances of Carmen, La Traviata, Aida, Paris International Entertainment will introduce a grand performance with 160 singers--Turandot--to the local people. Everyone is welcomed to firsthand experience the awesome and touching performance.

  繼卡門、茶花女、阿依達的熱烈回響,巴黎國際傳播極具信心地於公元 2001 年推出160人的盛大排場隆重鉅作─杜蘭朵公主 ;相信許多台灣觀眾都相當渴望能親眼觀賞此劇,也親自體驗歌劇現場的震撼與感動。

 Dog Pig Art Cafe 潘大謙個展─慾望出航
3/3~25 The Work of Pan Da-chien~A Trip of Desire(豆皮文藝咖啡館)
 The author observes the habit of using different materials to present his reflections on the end of a century. Each work in the gallery can be appreciated individually, or taken as a part of a dialogue. The materials employed, including metal, white wax, wood and lead, are metaphors for life.


 Belarusian Ballet 白俄羅斯國家芭蕾舞團
3/19 19:30 <天鵝湖>
3/20 19:30 <唐吉軻德>
Chih-teh Hall, Cultural Center(文化中心至德堂)
 "Swan Lake" is absolutely the best of all classical ballets and a big challenge that all ballerinas would like to take. "Don Quixote," based on the novel of the same name by Miguel de Cervantes, is known for its dramatic, interesting plot and its characters are simple and easy to understand.

  創立於1945年,白俄羅斯國家芭蕾舞團首演超過110部的舞碼,包括 50 部經過重新製作或詮釋的芭蕾經典。無論從音樂或舞蹈的角度看來,<天鵝湖>絕對稱得上是古典芭蕾舞中的經典之作,也是所有芭蕾舞伶最樂於挑戰演出的舞碼。<唐吉軻德>則是改編西班牙著名作家賽萬提德長篇小說,戲劇性的趣味情節與樸實不虛華的角色安排,讓唐吉軻德始終享有盛名。

 The Angel Never Sleeps 天使不夜城
4/19~20 19:30 Chih-teh Hall, Cultural Center(文化中心至德堂)
 In 1998, The Angel Never Sleeps initiated a new era of musicals. Godot Theatre Company has toured the mainland China, from Shanghai, Peking, Hangchow since this February, and then back to Taiwan for an island-wide performance. Tsai Chin will play a famous singer in her Kaohsiung itinerary.


 Extra-Marital Correspondence 婚外信行為
4/27~28 19:30 4/28 14:3 Chih-teh Hall, Cultural Center(文化中心至德堂)
 Extra-Marital Correspondence is the 31st production of Ping-Fong Acting Troupe. This is a comedy about four pregnant women's love affairs. The play has amusing and clever dialogues. Li Kuo-hsiu is the writer, director, and also the actor of the play.
