

Neimen the Rural Township of Folk Culture/內門民俗文化之都

Located in the northeast of Kaohsiung County, Neimen is famous for its folk culture--with a population of less than 20 thousand, this rural township has more than forty folk performance troupes. Neimen's "Sung Chiang chen (a type of martial arts displays)" is well-known islandwide; in addition, many chefs for "roadside wedding banquets" learned their cooking skills here. 

 To get to Neimen from Kaohsiung City, go along the Southern Second Freeway to Chishan and follow the Provincial Highway #3 from there. Chishan and Neimen areas were once called "Arhats Arch," which was further divided into inner and outer parts. The "Inner Village of Arhats Arch" is today's Neimen Township.

小方塊 Once the home of the notables
 Two historic figures once lived here: Shen Kuang-wen and Chu Yi-kuei. Shen, a scholar of Ming Dynasty, came to Taiwan to escape slanders; Cheng Cheng-kung treated him with high respect. While living in Neimen, Shen educated indigenous children and helped people by practicing medicine. He was also the first person that preserved Taiwan documents. 

 The other famous person once living here was "Duck King" Chu Yi-kuei, who got the by-name because, during the reign of Kang Hsi Emperor in the Ching Dynasty, he raised ducks for a living in the present Kuanghsing Village of Neimen.

小方塊 To know Neimen is to know its temples
 The two large famous temples in Neimen are "Neimen Tzi Chu (black bamboo) Temple" and "Nanhai Tzi Chu Temple." The former was built more than 300 years ago; an annual festival will be held there on Buddha's birthday (February 19 on the lunar calendar). These two temples are centers of faith for locals and major places where folk performances are taught and handed down to the next generation.

小方塊 Distinctive landscapes
 The special local landscape scenes are seven mounds in the shape of the Big Dipper, which were, according to legend, caused by seven shooting stars falling to the ground. In addition, because Neimen is adjacent to Tienliao, Moon World's lunar landscape of sharp-peaked hills with saw-toothed ridges can be seen in Neimen too.



小方塊 朱一貴、沈光文曾在此隱居


小方塊 了解內門從「宗廟」著手


小方塊 「七星墜地、雁門煙雨」景觀獨特