

The Shoushan Zoo has NEW members!/壽山動物園添新寵

Several animal stars have become members of the Shoushan Zoo lately, and the most popular one is "Lulu," a young Formosan Sika deer. In addition, the lesser panda, has recently met the public at the end of February.

 The zoo staff and vets have been taking care of "Lulu" since it was born, which is no easy task. The newborn deer is just like a baby, and the zoo staff had to take turns to be on the night shift and feed "Lulu" with milk every four hours. Due to their corporation and Lulu's strong will to survive, it has grown up to be a healthy, lovely deer and become the center of attention in the zoo.

 A wild animal was found deserted in Kaohsiung County several weeks ago and was later identified as a lesser panda, rare and protected wildlife from mainland China. The agencies concerned finally decided to have the Shoushan Zoo take in the lesser panda.

 Lesser pandas are nocturnal animals found in high mountains in Szechwan Province in China. They have black eyes, white eyebrows, big ears with white rims, reddish-brown fur covering most of the bodies. They like eating bamboo leaves, wild vegetables, fruit, insects, eggs, and sometimes birds. An odor similar to musk will be secreted from their anuses when they are excited or nervous.

 In addition to "Lulu" and the lesser panda, other new members of the Shoushan Zoo include three crocodiles, and Aoudad (Barbary) sheep. The zoo staff has given the Aoudad sheep a new home, which is near the Hippo Zone. In December 1997, the Shoushan Zoo gave the American bison to the Taipei City Zoo and received the Aoudad sheep in exchange. Now they are an Aoudad sheep family of five members.




