

KAOHSIUNG Light Up/高雄亮起來

  In the past 55 years, the annual Lantern Festival was first held in Kaohsiung. This extravaganza of light, sound and color was closed with visitors' praises and gasp in admiration. The 12-day activity, lasting from Feb. 3rd to Feb. 14th made Kaohisung internationally visible.

 About 5 million visitors were attracted to Kaoshiung by this activity. It's no wonder that Mayor Hsieh proclaimed that Kaohsiung did a good job in hosting the festival and with this success, Kaohsiung is proved to be capable of holding national activities.

 Majestic "Leaping Carp into Soaring Dragon"
 The 2001 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival bore the motif of "change and progress", with an emphasis that Kaohsiung is an ocean capital. Accordingly, the festival features two major areas: Love River and Kaohsiung Harbor. Love River was adorned with the main lantern and four auxiliary lanterns, along with thousands of radiant small lanterns of all sizes and colors. On the other hand, in Kaohsiung Harbor, "Star of the Ocean" was located at Wharf 17 to 20, looking like a giant aircraft carrier and showing the spirit of the maritime capital.

 Local People Gear Up for the Festival
 Apart from the centerpiece lanterns by Love River and Kaohsiung Harbor, there was a float parade sponsored by 43 units, in combination with singing and dancing performance. Other related expositions were also held at Jen-ai Park, the Kaohsiung Museum of History and the National Science and Technology Museum. Among these features, the most attractive was that the visitors could take the TRA's Harbor-side Line (Dou-dou Train) or vessels to enjoy the sight of lanterns from the sea. More than 45,000 visitors had taken advantage of these two services.

 Mayor Hsieh said that even though Kaohsiung might not be responsible for hosting the next Lantern Festival, with the experiences gained this year, however, the city government is confident that they can hold the same-level activity next year and after. Everyone can always come to Kaohsiung and enjoy festive atmosphere .



 鰲躍龍翔 氣勢磅薄

 高雄燈會 全員參與


 鰲躍龍翔 蛻變與躍昇

  設計者楊奉琛先生表示,不同於以往以12生肖為設計主題,這次的「鰲躍龍翔」設計重點在於不銹鋼材質的線條,在夜間呈現出燈籠的效果;結合愛河河岸的祈福燈廊、燈車以及對岸的燈河,整個愛河燈區,呈現光與火、水與影的效果。「鰲躍龍翔」內部有4到 5萬盞燈泡,由電腦配電,基座可以 360度旋轉,每秒主燈都有變化,共有280到350個迴路變化。





