

Presideng Chen Happiley met Lan Yueh-han/陳總統&藍約翰歡喜續前緣

  Lan Yueh-han is a mighty warrior in fighting against difficulties in life!" President Chen Shui-bian made the compliment when meeting this young man again. President Chen praised Lan for never giving way to his harsh fate and lighting up the hearts of others. Accepting the letter and the pottery giraffe from Lan, President Chen also promised to assist him in establishing a foundation to help those disabled.

 Lan Yueh-han, a disabled artist, is completely blind and unable to walk because of the atrophy of the muscles of his whole body. However, he never gave way to his bitter fate. He learned playing the jazz drums at 16 and making pottery at 18. Both interests have not only enriched his life but helped him exercise his atrophied palms and fingers. Lan is now the drummer of the "Kiwi Fruit Band," the first one made up of disabled people in Taiwan. After the devastating 921 Earthquake, Lan and the members went to the disaster areas to soothe people with their music. Lan had his first pottery exhibition not long ago; the money raised through the event will all be donated to the disadvantaged groups.

 President Chen met Lan once during his presidential campaign. Knowing that Lan was giving a pottery exhibition at Cultural Center, he immediately went to the exhibition at Lan's invitation after hosting the opening ceremony of the "2001 Kaohsiung Lantern Festival."


  殘障藝術家藍約翰,不能看也不能走,全身還肌肉萎縮,但他不向命運低頭,練就一身十八般武藝:從16歲開始打爵士鼓,18歲捏陶創作,這樣的興趣不但讓他的生命更美好,還能運動自己萎縮的手掌及手指。如今他成為「奇異果樂團」的鼓手, 921 大地震發生後,還率團前往災區撫慰災民。藍約翰這次舉辦生平第一回陶藝個展,義賣作品捐助弱勢,讓大家看見他的另一種才藝。
