

Mayor Hsieh's Japan Tour/謝市長日本城市外交紀要

   The plan of putting Kaohsiung Harbor under the Kaohsiung City's administration will be realized on May 19. To welcome this, Mayor Hsieh visited three harbor cities, Osaka, Tokyo and Yokohama to acquire experience in managing a harbor city. He also delivered a speech at Kyoto University.

 Many city governments in Japan have published their own "White Paper." People can get a copy at bookstores and better know their city's future development. Seeing this, Mayor Hsieh has instructed the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission to draft "White Paper on Kaohsiung 2020" to provide Kaohsiung people with vision of the city's future.

 Osaka Government and Citizens Gear Up for the Future
 Mayor Hsieh's first stop was Osaka. He visited the prefecture government, prefecture council, and the Osaka International Convention Center.

 Osaka and Kaohsiung have similar geographic features and are sharing the same fate: economic recession and enterprises' moving out. Therefore, they can help each other with the experiences gained. The Osaka prefecture councilors who are friendly to Taiwan are scheduled to visit Kaohsiung this April and sign a contract of amity.

 Yokohama A City with New Constructions
 Mayor Hsieh met his counterpart, Mayor Takahide Hidenobu, in Yokohama and received a warm reception. Yokohama has an international harbor, where ships from Taiwan frequently visit. Yokohama used to be a fishing port. The harbor became the largest one in Japan in 1959. It is now under the administration of the city government.

 Last year, a division of the city councilors who are friendly to Taiwan allied with the City Foreign Affairs Promotion Committee of the Kaohsiung City Council. In fact, Kaohsiung is the only city in Taiwan to receive such a relationship with Yokohama. Some of the city councilors and Deputy Mayor Mr. Shimizu are scheduled to visit Kaohsiung on March 28.

 Kyoto Mayor Hsieh Delivered A Speech
 Invited by the alumni of Kyoto University, Mayor Hsieh delivered a speech there. More than 400 people attended the meeting. In the speech, Mayor Hsieh hoped that everyone should be more optimistic about Kaohsiung's future.




 大阪 府民同心 擘劃未來

 橫濱 市港合一 積極建設


 京都 應邀發表演說
  謝市長此行應京都大學校友會之邀,在京大會館發表專題演講,共有京大師生及校友會等 400 餘人參加。謝市長希望,大家應對「高雄價值」更樂觀,更有信心,高雄發展成為全球運籌中心一定可以達成,重要的是我們要按部就班去實現。他指出,看到大阪經濟不景氣已有十年的時間,經濟蕭條和產業出走的問題相當嚴重,然而大阪市民仍然有夢,為了一個共同的夢想,結合官方及民間的力量,推動所有大型建設。謝市長希望高雄市民能和他一樣樂觀,借取大阪建設規劃城市的氣魄,高雄的未來是一片光明。