



It's All about Soccer / Pablo,足球擺在第一位、Pacers Never Walk Alone / 百步蛇足球隊 Paul 在台灣的家人

◎Text and photograph by Joanna

Courtesy of Kaohsiung Massive When invited by his friend, Juan Pablo Fernandez Hendrichsen came to Taiwan and now teaches English in Kaohsiung. He chose to stay in Kaohsiung attracted not only by the relaxing lifestyle here but also the location of the city itself; Pablo can get on his motorcycle and enjoy the blue sky and beautiful sea of Kenting after only a two hour drive from Kaohsiung.
 Born in Guatemala, Pablo joked that he is a combination of all European races. After having traveled across fifty-four countries, Pablo's favorite sport is still soccer, and we can easily see his love for the sport during our interview with him. Pablo has been playing soccer ever since he was five. Even now, he still practices soccer with his friends and teammates for eight hours every Saturday. For him, soccer is a necessity of life and a tradition of his family. In order to play soccer, Pablo tries to maintain his health and figure in order to keep in peak condition. In his opinion, you exercise your whole body while playing soccer- apart from the hands of course!
 Pablo now leads the "Kaohsiung Massive" soccer team, which originally formed by foreigners living in Kaohsiung, to win the championship of the Taiwan Tournament Soccer Game. Pablo emphasizes that in order to play soccer well, children need to learn soccer skills when they are young. Therefore, he volunteers to be the coach of "Mini Massive" soccer team to teach kids everything he knows the sport.
 Apart from soccer, Pablo also enjoys the company of friends. Every Sunday, he cooks a massive breakfast for them. Having lived in Kaohsiung for five years, Pablo says approvingly that the city is getting prettier, especially the view along the Love River. Meanwhile, Pablo and his teammates hope that there will be a soccer field suitable for practicing at night, so that they can also play after sunset. He believes that, in this way, Kaohsiung's citizens will become healthier and happier at the same time.


 Juan Pablo Fernandez Hendrichsen在朋友的邀約下踏上台灣這塊土地,在高雄從事英語教學的工作,選擇定居於高雄,除了喜愛高雄自在舒服的生活步調,高雄與墾丁僅有2個小時的車程,讓Pablo
 Pablo更成功地帶領著一支由居住於高雄的外籍朋友共同組成的Kaohsiung Massive球隊,曾踢出全台足球巡迴賽冠軍的好成績。Pablo強調足球要從小自然而然地學習,也因此義務擔任Mini Massive的教練,將一身足球的好本領不藏私地傳授給小朋友。

◎Texts and photographs by Joanna

Courtesy of 100 Pacers Paul Sunstrum, originally from Canada, first came to Taiwan based on a friend's recommendation. He teaches English in Kaohsiung and enjoys playing soccer for the "100 Pacers", a team set up by a group of foreigners living in Kaohsiung. Due to the players' mutual love of soccer, a family-like friendship has been established within the team. According to Paul, "100 Pacers" is like his family; a group of people who he not only plays soccer with, but also travels with. Paul said that any member of the "100 Pacers" never be left out.
 Paul has a scooter in Kaohsiung and has adjusted to the lifestyle well. When speaking about the traffic situation in Kaohsiung, Paul feels that, although it is exciting to ride around, work needs to be done to improve the safety of commuting around the city. Paul likes Taiwanese food very much, especially dumplings and tofu; his favorite beverage being milk tea.
 Paul has been living in Kaohsiung for three years and therefore has been experiencing first-hand the changing "face" of the city; particularly in regards to an increase in parks and open green spaces. In his spare time, he likes to go to Chaishan, Love River, and Urban Spotlight with friends.
 Paul is looking forward to seeing the fruits of the continual development of Kaohsiung. He also thinks that the hosting of the 2009 World Games is an invaluable opportunity for Kaohsiung to be recognized by the rest of the world. Paul gave some helpful suggestions in relation to the possibility of the Kaohsiung City Government setting up a service providing foreigners with information about food, shopping, living and transportation around the city. Paul also suggested that all of this useful "daily way-of-life" information should be available at the airport for foreigners to pick up and read.
 With the ongoing development of Kaohsiung, Paul is excited about seeing the brand new image of Kaohsiung exposed to the rest of the world during the 2009 World Games; he's also particularly keen to see the new Kaohsiung Dome. He also hopes that the KMRT and high speed railway will be operating as soon as possible, thus making traveling around Kaohsiung much more convenient.


 加拿大籍的Paul Sunstrum當初因為朋友的介紹來台灣,選擇定居於高雄從事英語教學的工作,喜愛足球運動的他,加入了百部蛇足球隊(100 Pacers),這個由一群居住在高雄且喜愛足球運動的外籍朋友組成的球隊,球員間更建立起有如一家人般的情感,對Paul而言,這個百部蛇足球隊就是他的家,球員除了一起練習足球之外,更是一起遊山玩水的好伙伴,Paul表示:百部蛇足球隊的隊員是絕對不會落單的!