



2006 SportAccord / 2006世界運動年會 高雄不缺席

◎Written by Yu-Fong Wang

KOC執行長陳以亨在GAISF議中,代表高雄市感謝IWGA開了一扇門,讓台灣能夠參與國際運動事務。The KOC Chief Executive Officer, I-Heng Chen,expressed gratitude towards the IWGA for opening a door for Taiwan to take part in international athletic events. With the approach of the 2009 World Games, Kaohsiung has become more known in the international sporting arena. The Chief Executive Officer of the World Games 2009 Kaohsiung Organizing Committee (KOC), I-Heng Chen, led the delegation to attend the 4-day Sport Accord Conference in Seoul, starting from April 4th.
 In the 2006 International World Games Association (IWGA) opening ceremony at the Grand InterContinental Hotel, I-Heng Chen reported on Kaohsiung's preparations for the 2009 World Games. The delegates of General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) around the world, highly recommended Kaohsiung's capacity to stage such an event.
 After the conference, Mr. Chen indicated that IWGA officials from around the globe applauded Kaohsiung's preparations and promised their full supports. They will assist in inviting representatives of International Federations to Kaohsiung in July this year to deliberate on the Technical Delegate Meeting (TD Meeting). Kaohsiung will also be fully prepared to welcome these delegates.
 The KOC Chief Executive Officer, I-Heng Chen, and the IWGA President, Ron Froehlich, co-hosted the Coordinating Commission (CoCom) and initially confirmed the sports events in the 2009 World Games. They include: gymnastic, korfball, air sports, tug of war, dance sport, ju-jitsu, orienteering, powerlifting, karate, bowling, billiards, roller sports, water ski, fin swimming, body building, squash, life saving, fistball, boules, field archery, rugby 7, flying disc, canoe polo, climbing, netball, racquetball, sumo, and surfing. Some sports might be cancelled due to inadequate facilities and lack of high-quality athletes. Possibilities of having invitational and demonstrational sports will be discussed in future meetings.
 In GAISF annual meeting on April 7th, KOC's Chief Executive Officer, Chen, expressed gratitude towards the IWGA for opening a door for Taiwan to take part in international sporting events. It allows Taiwan to share its capacities and know-how with the world.
 During the Sport Accord conference in Seoul, Korea, the Kaohsiung delegation set up a booth called "World Games 2009 Kaohsiung", to display flyers and products. A short advertising film was also played to publicize the 2009 World Games in Kaohsiung. Taking part in the conference has surely elevated Koahsiung's visibility in the international sporting arena.


KOC於SportAccord會場設置攤位,也讓各項單項總會會員代表及體育界的友人更了解2009世運在高雄。KOC arranged to set up a booth at the 2006 SportAccord to promote the upcoming World Games in Kaohsiung for the representatives of International Federations. 著2009世運會的腳步接近,高雄市在國際體壇的知名度日漸提升。甫於韓國首爾舉行的SportAccord世界運動年會,高雄2009世運代表團由2009世運會組織委員會( World Games 2009 Kaohsiung Organizing Committee,簡稱KOC)執行長陳以亨率團參加韓國首爾於4月4日起一連舉行四天的SportAccord世界運動年會。
 KOC執行長陳以亨於4日在Grand InterContinental Hotel舉行的2006 International World Games Association(IWGA)開幕會議,向各國單項運動總會會員代表,針對2009世運會的籌備情形提出報告,獲得在場各國代表一致好評,對於高雄市籌辦世運會的能力均給予高度的肯定與鼓勵。
 2009世運代表團與世界運動總會成員舉行CoCom會議,會議由KOC執行長陳以亨與IWGA會長Mr.Ron Froehlich共同主持,會中針對2009世運會舉辦的運動競賽項目達成共識,初步決定競賽項目包括體操、合球、飛行運動、拔河、運動舞蹈、柔術、越野追蹤、健力、空手道、保齡球、撞球、滑輪溜冰、滑水、蹼泳、健美、壁球、水上救生、浮士德球、滾球、原野射箭、七人制橄欖球、飛盤、輕艇水球、攀岩、籃網泳、短柄牆球、相撲、衝浪等共計28
 KOC執行長陳以亨7日在General Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF)國際單項運動總會年度會議中,代表高雄市感謝IWGA開了一扇門,讓台灣能夠參與國際運動事務,讓台灣的能力和知識與世界分享。
 2009世運會代表團在韓國首爾參加SportAccord世界運動年會期間,並於會場設置展示攤位─World Games 2009 Kaohsiung,展示相關文宣及城市商品,並播放宣導影片,把握機會向與會各國及各項單項總會會員代表,宣傳2009世運在高雄,有效地將高雄市推向國際體壇,為2009世運在高雄做最好的行銷。