



Local Delicacies in Gangshan Town / 享受美食 盡在岡山小吃

Local Delicacies in Gangshan Town
◎English translation : Lin Yi-chun
◎Photography by Lin Yu-hung

蜜豆刀削冰  Shaved ice with beans  Since the Southern Gangshan MRT station began operations, getting to Gunshan has become easier than ever before. Visitors now have a variety of shuttle buses that will take them into downtown Gangshan. Once at the MRT station, visitors can take shuttle buses Red 68, 69, 70, 71 and 73. Visitors can also rent public bike at exit No.1 of Gangshan MRT Station. Ganshan is well known for its traditional markets and variety of vendors selling local delicacies, so come on out and indulge in some of Gangshan's delicious offerings. This article will spotlight some of Gunshan's best eateries where local cuisine can be enjoyed the most. 
※Sin Yuan Fa Bakery
  Sin Yuan Fa Bakery has been in operation for 60 years and features papaya jam on toast. Their papaya jam is handmade by the lady proprietor. It is spread generously on buttered thick bread and oven toasted. Its rich fragrance and delicate sweet taste costs only 20 NT. Sin Yuan Fa Bakery also features Taiwanese omelettes with soya milk.
※Asan Noodles
木瓜醬烤土司 Papaya jam on toast  Asan noodles are covered with a delicious lard based sauce that has been loved throughout the ages. The traditional lard and braised pork sauce is covered with thick slices of pork and bean sprouts. The large bowl costs 40NT and 60NT for the extra-large portion. Help yourself, hot soup is made with Asan's secret braised pork sauce also a local favourite.
※Sankuaicuo Noodles
    Sankuaicuo Noodles is the best place in town to enjoy delicious tangyuan glutinous rice balls. Meaty tangyuan was previously available only during the winter months. However, due to popular demand the owner decided to offer it all year-round. The piping hot tangyuan savory meat fills pumpkin glutinous rice balls and cost 50 NT for a small portion and 65 NT for a large one. Flat rice noodles and dry noodles stewed with duck eggs are also popular at Sankuaicuo Noodles. Their soup bowls and condiment containers are hand molded by the owner's son and really enhance flavor.
※Sin-Mei Shaved Ice and Fruit Parlour
  Sin-Mei has been in operation for more than fifty years. Over the years, the shaved ice, sweet adzuki bean dish has been a popular treat. There are a variety of ingredients that can be added to the shaved ice. Options include dried fruit, peanuts, pearl barleys, adzuki beans, mung beans and fruit. Popular combinations include snow flaked ice with traditional banana shaved ice and adzuki beans for 40 NT. There are a variety of delicious shaved ice combinations available at Sin-Mei.
※Siao Gouding Papaya Smoothie
木瓜醬  Papaya jam  Siao Gouding opened in 1948. For more than 60 years Siao Gouding has been renowned for its fresh fruit and vegetable juices and papaya smoothies. However, an over the past few years Siao Gouding has also become popular for its hot tangyuan soup. The clear soup is sweet but not sugary. Tangyuan soup ingredients include sweet cooked adzuki beans, mung beans and peanuts, etc. It is 35 NT for a small bowl and 50 NT for the large one.


Where to buy?
.Sin Yuan Fa Bakery
Address: 154 Pinghe Road
Hours of Operation:6:00~13:00
.Asan Noodles
Located at the Weisin and Gangshan intersection (inside Wunsian Market)
Hours of operation: 07:00~17:00
.Sankuaicuo Noodles
Address: 33 Dacheng Street (located behind the fire station)
Hours of Operation: 11:00~21:00
.Sin-Mei Shaved Ice and Fruit Parlour
Address: 108 Shoutian Road
Opening time: 11:00~22:00
.Siao Gouding Papaya Smoothie
Address: 84 Kaiyuan Street
Hours of operation: 12:30~23:00


享受美食 盡在岡山小吃
◎文/盧怡如 ◎攝影/林裕鈜

小溝頂甜湯圓  Siao Gouding tangyuan soup  草莓醬烤土司很普遍,但木瓜醬烤土司就很少聽過了吧?!這是60年老店新源發最特別的口味!木瓜醬由老闆娘親自熬煮,塗在抹上奶油的厚片土司並經過烘烤之後,濃郁清香帶著些許甜味的木瓜醬烤土司出爐了!只要零錢20元!還有店家自製的手工蛋餅、鮮奶豆漿,也很美味喔!
  什麼湯圓會讓顧客百般懷念?在三塊厝就找的到!原本是冬季限定的鮮肉湯圓,在顧客頻頻詢問下,老闆決定全年供應。熱呼呼的湯圓,吃得到肉餡的鮮甜飽滿,還有南瓜揉捏的湯圓皮,只要現金50元(大碗65元)!粿仔條、乾麵搭配滷鴨蛋,也是道地的好滋味!值得一提的是,店裡所有盛湯、調味料的器皿 ,都是老闆兒子手拉坯親製的,品嚐起來別有一番風味!
三塊厝鹹湯圓  Sankuaicuo meaty tangyuan  標榜50年傳統冰店,新美的蜜豆刀削冰(30元)老少咸宜,有蜜餞、花生、薏仁、紅豆、綠豆和水果等,搭配以刀削冰塊製成冰品,咀嚼起來滋味豐富、讓人口齒留香;蜜豆雪花冰(40元) 則是傳統香蕉冰,綿密清香口感的挑動味蕾。店裡還有其他種冰品美食,歡迎來打牙祭!
  頂著民國37年創立、超過60年的招牌 ,小溝頂以木瓜牛奶、新鮮蔬果打響名號,近年來推出熱湯圓,甜湯甜而不膩 、湯圓Q嫩彈牙,加上紅豆、綠豆、花生等,料多豐富,只要35元(大碗50元) ,就能品嚐這個好滋味! 

.新源發 平和路154號 6:00~13:00
.三塊厝麵店 大埕街33號(消防隊後面) 11:00~21:00
.阿三麵 維新、岡山路口(文賢市場內) 07:00~17:00
.小溝頂 開元街84號 12:30~23:00
.新美冰菓室 壽天路108號 11:00~22:00