



Kaohsiung wins BIG at the International Awards for Livable Communities/綠色奧斯卡1金1銀3銅

Kaohsiung wins BIG at the International Awards for Livable Communities
◎English translation: Lin Fang-ju
◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui

  The "Green Oscars"
  This year the International Awards for Livable Communities were held in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. Also known as the "Green Oscars", more than 80 cities and 150 communities compete in categories such as sustainability, natural environment and environmental protection. Liveable Communities Awards are endorsed by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). The objective of LivCom is to evaluate the development of international cities and the impacts they have on the environment. The LivCom Awards is the world's only competition that focuses on issues such as urban landscape, environmental management, ecological development, resource utilization and sustainable development.

  Kaohsiung Wins BIG!

金獎:小林紀念公園   The gold medal was awarded to Siaolin Village for its Memorial Park.      Kaohsiung won a total of five medals with the Siaolin Village Memorial Park taking the gold. The memorial not only pays homage to the victims of Typhoon Morokot but also the surrounding natural environment and the resident's sense of community. The judges were impressed at the role the park played in bringing hope to community during post- disaster recovery. The judges were so touched by how it had brought the community together that it received first place out of twenty-four other competitors.
  Dadong Arts Center won a silver medal for its emphasis on natural elements and incorporating surrounding eco-systems. It integrates the use of wind and natural lighting. Rain water is also utilized and the Fongshan River flowing around four of the main buildings. It establishes an oriental Zen ambiance and brings new energy to the old town of Fongshan.
銀獎:大東文化園區  A silver medal was awarded to Dadong Arts Center.  Three bronze medals were awarded to Youchang Forest Park, Meinong and Yancheng Districts. "Kaohsiung's delegation had to make presentations and answer the judges' questions," explains Kaohsiung's Mayor Chen Chu. "The five medals did not come easily. They are Kaohsiung's honor and pride of Taiwan." Mayor Chen is thrilled Kaohsiung is receiving international recognition for its efforts in urban planning and sustainability. The mayor would like to thank everyone that has worked on these initiatives, the government's hard work and the public's support.
  Kaohsiung's urban planning has recently been devoted to becoming a competitive, "livable" community. The International Awards for Livable Communities are Kaohsiung's second recognition after it received the FIABCI Prix d'Excellence, earlier this year for Jhongdu Wetland Park. Ecological infrastructure has become a great priority in Kaohsiung's development. Efforts include expanding wetland and nature reserves, disaster prevention initiatives, drainage, flood control and coastline remediation. Initiatives incorporate environmental protection, art, culture, sustainability and an overall better living environment. The city government has researched international trends in public construction and planned accordingly. The city has also been inspired by the experiences of other international cities. It is evident the outstanding urban development has certainly paid off.


綠色奧斯卡1金1銀3銅    高雄國際宜居城市 獎聲不斷
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