



Compassion Beyond Belief / 超乎想像的熱情 野中薰談高雄;Guardian Mom Chen Jie─ling / 導護媽媽─陳潔舲

Compassion Beyond Belief

◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photo by Hou Ya-ting

 Mr. Kaoru Nonaka is the Director of the Interchange Association (Japan) in Kaohsiung. One of the things that stood out in his office, were the ubiquitous thank-you cards, letters and posters. This included hand-made posters from students at Alian Primary School, expressing their support for the earthquake victims in Japan. There also many thank-you letters and e-mail printouts from people in Japan, appreciative of Taiwan's donations and warm thoughts. In light of the recent tragedy, this little display of support and appreciation provided some comfort and uplifting energy.

 Mr. Nonaka has been in Kaohsiung for 11 months and is extremely impressed with the friendliness and kindness of the Taiwanese. Taiwan was among the first to arrive with relief and rescue teams to areas affect by the 311 earthquake. The Taiwanese have repeatedly expressed concern and sympathy for those who suffered and are still suffering, pledging friendship and assistance. Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan even sent a personal letter of appreciation. Mr. Nonaka finds such acts of compassion unbelievable.

 Taiwan was not only the largest monetary donor; Mr. Nonaka also gives accounts of how all kinds of people in Kaohsiung offered assistance. One example of this was an elementary school, where students donated their breakfast money. Although 20 NT per student doesn't seem like a lot, he was stunned by their act of selflessness. Other Japanese citizens living in Kaohsiung also gave him many examples of Kaohsiung resident's great compassion. Some taxi drivers even declined fares when they realized their passenger was Japanese and offered donations. Taiwan is clearly an ally of Japan, and Mr. Nonaka is sincerely grateful.

 Mr. Nonaka describes Kaohsiung as a relaxed city with a lot of kind people. The weather is always pleasant and is only a few hours flight to Japan. He strongly recommends other Japanese citizens to visit. Mr. Nonaka enjoys Taiwanese seafood and is especially happy to have found a Penghu restaurant in Kaohsiung. He particularly loves Taiwan's cooking philosophy, fresh ingredients and complex flavors. He recommends people get to the beach in Cijin and watch the sunset at the Cihou Lighthouse. Mr. Nonaka is truly devoted to his work at IAJ Kaohsiung and vows to continue promoting trade and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan.

超乎想像的熱情 野中薰談高雄


 踏進日本交流協會高雄事務所,牆面上貼著高雄阿蓮國小學童為日本災民加油的海報,以及日本國民寄送感謝台灣的信函或電子郵件,表達對台灣民眾溫暖的關懷和捐款,小小的一隅 ,撫慰人心,也給人力量。

 高雄事務所所長野中薰,上任11個月以來,高雄人的友善和人情味讓他留下深刻的印象。而在日本發生311地震重大災難後,誠如日本總理大臣菅直人所言:「患難見真情。」野中所長談起台灣第一時間派遣救難隊伍 ,以及台灣人民慷慨解囊和溫暖慰問,他以「超乎想像的熱情」來形容台灣民眾自發性援助日本的意願。

 野中所長表示,台灣捐款金額高於其他國家,但捐款金額多寡並不是唯一令人感動的指標,他提到,高雄有小學生說一餐不吃沒有關係,所以捐出早餐錢20元,希望能幫助日本災民;而這段期間,有些載送日僑學生的計程車司機,不但不收取車資,還捐款幫助日本災民 。點點滴滴,讓野中所長體會到台灣與日本特別的關係,也表達由衷的感謝。



Guardian Mom Chen Jie-ling

◎English written by Peng Hsin-yi
◎Photo by Hou Ya-ting

 Chen Jie-ling is on patrol every morning, making sure students of Long Hua Primary School get safely across the busy intersection near their school. In North America they are known as traffic patrols, but in Taiwan they are called Guardian Moms.

 Ms. Chen is devoted to her volunteer work and like real traffic police, directs traffic with professional hand gestures and whistle signals. Even if there are few children waiting, she takes them by the hand, as she would take her own children when crossing the road.

 Although it is a volunteer position, people do not realize all the work it entails. She recalls one little girl who had trouble adjusting to school and would burst into tears when her parents dropped her off. The first time this happened, Ms. Chen took her by the hand and walked her all the way to her classroom. This became a daily routine. She thought about stopping, so the girl could become more independent. However, even though she pretended to be busy a few times and dropped the girl's hand, she would always reach out to her. She ended up walking the girl to class everyday for a whole year and is one of her most cherished memories.

 "I like staying busy, I can't help it!" She says, jokingly explaining her dedication to her work. This year marks eleven years of service with a perfect attendance record. Rain or shine, she is there every day. Even once when a family member was sick in the hospital, Ms. Chen felt volunteering was a way of life.

 Besides her volunteer work as a traffic patrol, she also helps out in the nurse's office and reads for students. She has noticed a great transformation and observed her children becoming more giving and helpful. She feels becoming a traffic patrol is the most fulfilling part of her life and is excited about continuing her volunteer work.






