

Mituo District's Fishing Village, Fish Ball and Badlands Landscape


Mituo District's Fishing Village, Fish Ball and Badlands Landscape

◎Written by Chen Ting-fang

◎Photos by Zeng Sin-yao

◎English translation by Hou Ya-ting



 Mituo District is located in one of Kaohsiung City's coastal districts. Two thirds of Mituo District is comprised of mostly milkfish aquaculture ponds. Hence, Mituo District has become known as the hometown of milkfish. As a result, various milkfish products have been developed.

 Milkfish balls have become a popular local delicacy. Singyi Fish Balls Shop have been making fish balls for more than 40 years. Singyi's milkfish balls are always served fresh and have a chewy texture. Popular hot milkfish balls are only available before noon.

 Mituo District stretches 4 kilometers along Kaohsiung's coastline. Mr. Jhang Bo-ren is a local fisherman and owner of the Milkfish Home Caf?. It is the only caf? that provides views of the district's beautiful coastline. Mr. Jhang Bo-ren said that when guests come for a coffee, they can enjoy the coastline's panoramic view and feel more relaxed and refreshed.

 Mituo is also a great place for nature lovers. One place that is worth exploring is Tadi Mountain Natural Park. It covers 56 hectares and has magnificent views of the mudstone badlands. Mr. Jhang Jhe-nan, a senior volunteer from Mituo Miluogang Cultural and Historical Association, points out that Tadi Mountain Natural Park is the only coastal badlands in Taiwan.

 Due to its bare landscape, the soil is not very resistant during rain storms. The surface absorbs water and expands and when the sun comes out, the surface becomes dry and cracks. Repeated wetting and drying processes have formed exposed ridges and gullies. It exemplifies the powers of Mother Nature.

 During the Japanese colonial period, Tadi Mountain was a military base. The ROC military maintained the base until it was closed in 2006. The area then came under the responsibility of Mituo District Office. Tadi Mountain Natural Park was opened to the public in 2007.

 At 53 meters above sea level, Tadi is the tallest mountain in the region. It is also a great place to watch the sunset. At the top there is an observation deck where visitors can look out over the surrounding aquaculture farms. Photographers enjoy capturing the sunset that reflects off the numerous ponds.

     Singyi Fish Balls Shop :
No. 330, Jhongjheng Road, Mituo District, Kaohsiung City
Operation hours: 5 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    Milkfish Home Café
No. 31-1, Guangming Lane, Nanliao Road, Mituo District, Kaohsiung City
Operation hours: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
     Tadi Mountain Natural Park :
Entrance is located the end of Shanding Road, Tadi Village, Mituo District, Kaohsiung City
     Please see illustrated Mituo map.